Saturday, 7 March 2020

Say NO to Feminism

On the occasion of International Women's day, I wanna urge people to stop being feminists.. Its very strange to hear this from me: a self proclaimed vocal feminist.. But the need of the hour is to make EQUALITY so common that there's no need for someone advocating the basic rights of a human.. 

A feminist is basically advocating equal rights for a woman: equal rights in life, at work, at education and every other walk of life.. Our parents generation has been the transitional phase where girls have been raised to be independent, bold people having an opinion, choice and majorly given education.. We girls are now equal like boys in almost every sphere in life (some areas could improve but things are better). We have started choosing a career that interests us, a lifestyle that we wish to live, drive ourselves, fend for ourselves and decide for ourselves.. The women today are in so much better space than the parents generation..

But what went wrong? When women were taught to be independent, boys were still taught to be dependent.. They have not been raised with the basic training about life, they are not taught to fend for themselves.. We made our girls independent but we made the boys dependent so much that they do not know how to live outside the shade of their mothers.. And when they settle with an independent woman, they don't know how to handle her or life as they expect their partners to be like their moms, taking care of all the basic things..

Its time we raise our boys to be independent too.. If the girl is raised to chase the goals at work, we need to teach the boys to support her by doing the household chores.. Just like double income makes it easier to run a household, double the hands in the household chores makes it easier to run the house too..

I guess moms of boys like me can pledge to make the next generation boys to be the go getters because we girls are already there.. Now feminist me is here to raise the awareness about equality in both genders.. Yes, both of the genders have their uniqueness but only when we wipe gender stereotype outside the society can we succeed in equality.. .

Here's wishing that the international Men's Day be celebrated with the same zeal and pomp like women's day and women be respected and treated with dignity and cherished on every other day and not just the 8th of march..

Happy international Women's Day!! Cheers to being an all rounder and to help making many more people so..

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...