Wednesday 30 September 2020

Random thoughts_55

Careful of whom n what you believe.. Satan was once a beloved angel of God.. He turned people with the truth.. But the truth was partial or in a different context!! Many such Lucifer's walk around with Saintly attitude!!

Random thoughts_54

Maturity is to be the silent spectator rather than adding fuel and giving treat to the viewers..

Maturity doesn't come with age!! It comes when you take back the power from someone to stir you up and by being in control of your own emotions!!

Sunday 13 September 2020

The Woman from the other side!

I saw a glimpse of her in that fraction of a second when the door opened n shut.. Just a glimpse yet she was unforgettable!!

She seemed to be in pain, her hopelessness visible in her eyes.. She seemed to talk volumes of despair just by that glance.. She seemed to talk about how she feels, how lonely she is, how much pain she's gone through!! All this by a glance.. She seemed vulnerable, she seemed she would collapse.. She seemed so aged, her wrinkles covering her face, no trace of a smile as if she's never smiled.. She could tickle the bone of empathy in me wanting to just go and hug her, she seemed to direly need it.. Her desperation shrieking out as a cry for help through that look!! Her ghastly appearance didn't spook me as I felt these situations would!!

I don't know why her image stuck in my head, she seemed to be someone I know, her face familiar yet there was a sense of unfamiliarity in her, something so distinguished that made her unrecognizable.. It was a painful sight, can't vocalize it.. These thoughts occupying just a fraction of time before the door swiveled and I brought alive to my senses.. 

The mirror on the door reflected me, the "ME" I've been seeing daily.. But the "ME" that has changed.. The "ME" that seems to have grown weary, the unmasked "ME" that has been hidden away from the world, the vulnerable "ME" that has been stashed away by the strong "ME".. "ME" exists, time and again popping out to make it known.. The stronger "ME" convinces the weaker one that it's just a bad phase, a bad day.. Its gonna be fine, just breathe and take a day at a time!!

Those “Heavy” Thoughts

While travelling the 14km one way ride to n from work on a daily basis, I seldom see women riders..It’s almost always women pillions.. And t...