Explanation to the post: if our friend is a victim of abuse, we support n defend them.. But when we know of our friend who becomes the abuser, we try to justify them!!
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Sunday, 21 February 2021
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Thursday, 4 February 2021
People often quote that hard times make strong men who makes the times good which creates lazy men and back to hard times!! We often notice that people who inherit does not take things to a notch above, there are very few who manages to make good or safeguard what they have inherited! Its all because they have been ENTITLED!!
Cambridge dictionary defines Entitlement as "feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are"!! Legacy as some may call!!
Being entitled inherently means not knowing the efforts gone behind the success and basking in the glory without breaking a sweat!! When our elders tell the stories of their struggle all of us slap our heads saying "Here we go again!" But when you realize the journey they have undertaken, the sacrifices they made in order to help you reach the summit you are, you will begin to cherish them more..
This year I have resolved never to take anything for granted and one of the realization that it has brought me is the feeling of entitlement.. I never realized that the comforts and happiness given to me by my parents are due to unspoken sacrifices they have made over the years!!
I always knew my parents put in their best to give us a comfortable life, so much so that my dad spoilt us beyond words.. I never realized that happiness isn't a factor in life by default but that was factored into our lives as a constant by these hardworking people.. I never WANTED anything when I was with my parents because my parents never let us reach a stage of "Want".. We were provided with physical and emotional nourishment..
Even though we have reached a comfortable level, my parents have ensured to drill in us that the luxuries are not a constant and you need to live with the hand you're dealt with.. Never settle but ensure you are independent enough to fend for yourself as well as your Dependants.. Even though there are luxuries, these aren't gonna be passed on to you which means you need to figure out a way!! But if there is a need, we are there as a cushion but never depend on us!!
I realize now the comforts we have are because my parents chose the future benefits over immediate comfort.. Today when I have to make a choice whether to do something on an impulse, I don't do it as spontaneously as before because I am making a conscious effort to weigh the future benefits over current splurge..
The small things they did in the daily life taught us many values, the biggest being never to take pride in something that you've not broken a sweat for!! Parents built a path for us to walk, they showed us a way of life to ensure we do better for our future!!
Difficult times makes strong people who makes good times!! That's what my dad did!!
Good times make lazy people: affected me to a good extent!!
Lazy people makes difficult times: future of my next gen!!
But its gonna change with me.. Just like I've been given the training to not consider myself entitled, I'm gonna ensure that my son too doesn't take anything for granted.. Because unless you earn it, you will never value it!!
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
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