Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Parenthood - The most selfless journey, or is it??

It is very true that parenthood is the most selfless journey where you love and care for someone else with every last breath to every single cell, whrere your life revolves around them, where nothing besides them matters. But is it as selfless as people claim to be?
Why do i say parenting is selfish? Sure, there were and are times where parents want kids to live and behave in a manner that they desire and not appreciate the individuality of the kid's choices. That is not the selfishness i refer to.. I refer to the reason of "being parents" to be selfish.. As much as the love and responsibility involved in the journey of parenting is selfless, but the reason of parenthood is very selfish!! I know, i know, being a mother myself i will openly admit it! We are not in the generation where kids just happen; we plan, pray, prepare and get treatment to bring a life to earth. But why do we bring this little life to earth on the first place?? When you become a parent you realise another extent of love, not just the love you give but also the love you receive. 

When my parents were younger, the more the number of children would mean more stomachs to feed in the short run but more hands to earn in the long run.. But our generation limits the kids to the extent where we are sure to provide them the best life as per our capabilities. 

 Many of the couples opt for kids because of "societal / parental pressures". But the rest that chooses parenthood is because they wish to take the next step in life and have a purpose for their life. They wish to love someone deeply and unconditionally, have a reason to look forward to, have that joy and struggles associated with this journey called parenthood. Yes, life from that point onwards changes beyond expectation. The journey requires lots of love, patience, strength and coffee / wine to carry you through those difficult nights.. But the only reason you actually bring about a baby in this world is for your emotional need.
This is really nasty to hear it out loud and to think so of parents in this limelight. But this is the truth. Yes, most of the parents love and dote on their kids and provide them with the best they can afford to provide. Yes, they know and believe they have the best of intentions in their heart for their kids. Yes, this one thought is totally devastating on the picture perfect "parenthood" that we all imagine of. But truth is not always sweet is it? 

 Coming to my personal journey, i was too young to even understand why i craved to be a mother. Conceiving my son at 23 was because I felt an emotional hollow and wanted it to be filled. And it is completely filled and overflowing every day i have the kid around. There is love, there is fights, there is arguments and occasional hitting too, there is laughter and giggles, tickles and games : life has a purpose with him around. It is an all encompassing emotional ride which started with selfishness but continues only due to selfless love!!

Broken Family

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