Thursday, 10 August 2023

The greatest of them is Love!

To be loved is to be accepted for who you are without expecting you to change into the person they want you to be!!

It is to help you identify your shortcomings without criticising!!

It is to help improve you without keeping tabs on the favours they confer!!

It is to be treated with dignity and respect!!

It is to celebrate your small joys!!

It is to being your pillar of strength when you are weak!!

It is to restore your hope in the goodness in the world when you have lost all hopes!!

It is to reinstate your dreams and show you how you can achieve it!!

It is to giving newer hopes and dreams for yourself!!

It is to forgive your shortcomings and not hold you accountable for faltering!!

It is to give you your space for feeling safe and comfortable!!

To love is to keep your ego and anger aside for your person!!

It is to finding a solution with each other and not against each other!!

It is to to be a listening ear, a helping hand, a comforting word, a friend, a guide and whatever the situation asks of you!!

It is to accepting that it isn’t 50-50 business, but a 100-100; when you can’t give it all the other person fills your share and you do the same to them in their lows!! 

It is being committed to working on the relationship when difficulties arise rather than quitting it at the onset!!

It is the trust you build in the other person!!

It is to work on your flaws and improve yourself!!

It is to accepting differences respectfully!!

It is to be consistent in your efforts and not take the other person for granted!!

To love and be loved is to grow individually as well as together towards the common vision envisioned!!

Love is a small world but the essence that keeps humanity from perishing!!

Spread love ♥️

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...