Saturday, 21 October 2023

Wait for them ♥️

For a person that makes you feel like crap, you’ll find a person that makes you feel like the centre of the universe!!

For a person that doesn’t know your favourites, you’ll find someone that learns about you and showering you with the love you crave!!

For a person that doesn’t care for you even when you’re in a situation where you’re unable to get up, you’ll find someone that notices the slightest change in your tone and expression and puts efforts to make things better for you!!

For a person that shatters your soul, you’ll find a person that instills your confidence and supports you through your dreams! 

For a person that made you question your sanity, you’ll find a person that reminds you how strong and capable you are!!

For someone who wants you to make life easy for them despite it not being convenient for you, you’ll find someone who makes life convenient and beautiful for the both of you!!

For a person that paid no attention to your passion, you’ll find someone who not only motivates you to find your passion but also supports you through it!!

For a person that couldn’t stand a conversation with you, you’ll find a person that stays hours to hear you blabber even if they don’t understand exactly what you say but the excitement on you to share keeps them glued!!

For a person that left you and shattered you at every argument, you’ll find a person that says “I’m not picking a fight with you, you share your feelings and I’ll share mine and we will fix it as we go”!

For a person that makes everyday a nightmare, you’ll find someone that makes every day a bliss!!

For a person that made you lose hope in love, you’ll find someone that is a personification of love and can’t wait to spend your life with them!!

When life gives you the former, wait for the latter, s/he always shows up!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...