Thursday, 30 November 2017

Toddler tantrum

So the tantrum of the late morning happened bcz I didn't let him eat the toothpaste yet again after already completing two rounds of the same in the morning.. He howled and cried.. He was wriggling in my arms when I tried picking him to calm down.. No result..

Then I remembered Kung Fu Panda and the karate kid.. Calm yourself, inner peace.. Ya, so I sat down comfortably on the bed, the first confusion of the toddler as to how can my mom leave me crying and sit so peacefully.. He ran behind me and continued the drama.. He lied down on the floor crying for two minutes and then getting distracted by the stars stickers and remembering the shape and screaming it out.. It was followed by a minute of silence remembering why he was here and continuing the howling and crying..  N I began to be more comfortable and quietly eating a bar of chocolate while pretending to ignore him.. That puzzled him more.. That made him quiet and now all he wanted was to make me show some attention to him for which he began doing things like pretending to put something in his mouth and hiding under the chair.. Once I was done with the chocolate and walked out, he quietly followed and was happy to be picked up..

So true, kids can't see their mom in peace amidst their nuisance and it confuses them.. The theory of "to get your kids attention, all you need to do is sit comfortably and enjoy a cup of coffee" is hence proved right..

Well, my peace was short lived and I had an even more bigger tantrum just then when I tried to get him out of the uniform.. Some stories never end!!

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Life as I know it!!

I've got my personal trainer who believes in leading by example.. He doesn't sit idle for a minute and expects me to be the same!!

I've got my personal dietitian who ensures I don't get more than 3 to 5 minutes per meal!!

I've got a personal hair stylist who ensures that no matter how I end up styling my hair, it ends up as a messy mom bun by the time I reach the last stair on the way down..

The world knows him as my son!! I know him as my life!!

Monday, 27 November 2017

Satire in mundane daily life!!

They say I'm good with words.. I'm also good at making people laugh.. So this new phase is for making good of the humor found in the daily life.. Life is too boring.. But just as happiness, humor too is found but you need to seriously look for it!!  So this is the beginning of the posts considering the jokes and "blah" found in the daily life!! 

So I met an aunty today who happens to know my hubby and his family.. So the general conversation followed.. After the initial pleasantries she asked about my hubby to which I replied he's on ship..  "when is he expected? " "Mid of Jan aunty :(" "oh, so won't he be here for Christmas or New Year? " *thinking to myself * "not until it moves post mid jan aunty" 

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...