Monday, 26 February 2018


"Mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing." This is the most common disclaimer each of us know.. I guess you may have read it in the same pace they do in the advertisements.. It's the line that appears in fine print in the bottom end which is hardly noticed..

So does life comes with disclaimers!! We don't set out in a certain path expecting sadness or disappointments just like we don't invest in mutual funds expecting a loss.. But that's the risk associated with life.. We all set plans for the day, week, month, year and longer future.. But do we know how long is our future??

The subject of death has been doing rounds in the recent times, popular actress, a messenger of God, a tribal man in Kerala and the countless lives lost in war.. Every death is like a disclaimer that life is giving us "your life comes with a validity, bear it in mind everytime you make plans"..

Let's live to make every day count, everyday worth living!!

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

An angel with clipped wings!

She was an angel who was taught that she could fly high and reach any heights her heart desired.. She spread her wings and took off reaching one milestone after another.. She found someone along the way, she fell in love with him.. They both took off together.. He seemed to be the one who would nudge her to get ahead.. Soon she couldn't bear the combined weight and she began lagging.. He suggested they put a chain on themselves so they never get separated in the whirlwinds that was coming along.. She gladly accepted it thinking it was a great idea to being together...

Soon their weight with the weight of the chain was getting unbearable.. She couldn't fly anymore.. He clipped off her wings and started criticizing her for not reaching the heights she started out to reach!! She became helpless knowing not what to do..

Then she took a decision in life.. She's an angel with clipped wings and a heavy chain.. But still she is an angel.. She will still live like an angel as long as she breathes and create a heaven for the world around her!!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...