Saturday, 3 March 2018

Breaking the cocoon

We all know about the life cycle of a caterpillar, it forms a cocoon and struggles to break free and complete the transformation into a butterfly.. So is life for us..

We are born as helpless newborns who doesn't even know to smile.. The smile is the first milestone in the parental world.. Then from there to recognizing faces, turning to the sides, rolling over, holding the head, crawling, sitting up, holding things and standing then gradually walking to walking without help (then is the tiresome running everywhere and climbing everything, destroying stuffs and making the parents crazy) stages!!

Well, I felt that once the kid begins to walk on his own he becomes independent.. But now with the weaning stage over a couple of months ago, I realise that I'm letting go of a big thing that was a strong bond between us.. It was difficult to get the kiddo to sleep without his habit, but I realized its more difficult for me.. It's as if I'm sending him one more step away from me, a small step towards his independence.. I can never be ready for the day when he won't need me at all and such a day is inevitable but I'm preparing myself to accept it and preparing him for living his life without depending on anyone to manage his daily affairs.

The month his schooling begins is here and another big milestone for the kiddo.. He's just three and his learning routine is beginning now which will continue for couple of decades to come depending on his future aspirations.. He's a caterpillar beginning to break his cocoon while I can only watch him spread his wings and add colour to this world.. My small little boy is now entering a world of his own, and I can only stand and encourage, support and be proud of my little one's achievements, big or small!!

1 comment:

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...