Monday, 11 February 2019

This too is marriage!!

I love you just as much as I loved you then..
But I don't need you as much as I needed you then!!

I'll be there for you whenever you need me..
But you'll not be the one I need whenever I'm in trouble!!!

I'll tell you everything that concerns me..
But you'll not be the one that I share my excitement and joy or my sorrows and pain with!!

I promise you my respect and loyalty..
But not the kind of adoration and awe I had!!!

I'll hold your hand in difficult times, help you out in your difficulty and help you smile when low..
But not cause I love you the same, but since you were my world once upon a time!!

I will be your family when you need one..
But you'll not be considered as my family in my heart!!

Yes, we are a couple for the world, maybe a happy one at that..
But we stay two individuals under the pretence and will stay so!!

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