Thursday 29 August 2019

The flicker of HOPE

As someone rightly said, "Life is not a wish granting factory".

Life isn't predictable, sometimes what happens in our life would be things we couldn't ever envision happening in anyone's lives.. There may be things that really brings us down or may cheer us up..

Life is a parcel, with its goods and bads..
We cannot choose to only have the good and ignore the bad.. But what we can do is accept the reality and live on!!

My dad keeps telling, theres a descent to every ascent, but there's also an ascent to every descent!! We always think in our darkest times that life has been unfair to us, but never once in our happiest time do we say that we have received beyond our worth!!

There's always a better tomorrow, the happiness that we deserve.. Its just a turn away.. All we need to do is to keep that brave face, that smile and hope alive till we reach that turning!!

As is said in the book Everything is fucked, "being heroic is the ability to conjure hope where there is none. To strike a match to light up the void. To show us a possibility for a better world—not a better world we
want to exist, but a better world we didn’t know could exist. To take a
situation where everything seems to be absolutely fucked and still somehow make it good."

All it takes is to be that hero in your own lives and to spread your heroism to others!!

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