Thursday 7 November 2019

Pain deserves to be felt!!

Sometimes even beauty is seen in the absence of light!!

Sometimes the unbearable pain that an oyster or a butterfly undergoes is what we go through in our life to have a beautiful output!!

Sometimes people get stronger only when they are pushed through any challenge!!

Sometimes the pain you're enduring are the chisels and hammers that's sculpting you!!

You're David inside that marble;
But you need breaking, you need the pain to become a marvel!!

Sometimes there isn't an out. Sometimes endurance is the only way..
To grind your teeth and get through it :
To be a masterpiece of life's making!!

Just like you need rains to see a rainbow up in the Sky, you need some challenges to help you see that shine in you..

You're so much stronger than what you realize.. If walking through fire is what it takes to shine then waltz through it and shine bright!!

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