Thursday 13 February 2020


What is the purpose of our life? We have big ambitions, big dreams.. We wish to be successful, we wish a lot of things!! But what's life without someone to share that happiness with, unload your burdens to, be and have as a support??

Love isn't just a fairy tale feeling! Its not only the jitters and butterflies, not just the holding hands and exchanging glances.. Love is a strength: a strength to face any obstacle in life.. Love is an assurance of having someone by your side, someone to hold n cherish, to support and guide, to laugh and cry with!!!

As the most popular verse of the scripture states in 1. Corinthians 13 

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. . .

Romans 13:8 reiterates "Owe nothing to no one but love" Further reading states that all other commandments can be summed in "Love one another!"

Here I am wondering out loud, didn't I love enough?? Didn't I genuinely give my all?? Didn't I stay in too long for the miracle of love to manifest?? Did I not do my responsibilities, put in sufficient efforts?? Is there anything more that I should have done?

I always believed that love conquers all.. I believed that love gives the strength.. But love destroyed my life.. It transformed an innocent, naive, trusting person into a very reserved person, a person who is always scared, someone who doubts the intention of every person..

Here I am, battling the thoughts in my head; unable to understand clearly what life ahead holds, clenching my little life's hands, answering his innocent questions without displaying how it kills me inside, feeling helpless about not giving him the sense of security the way he deserves or the kind of life he thinks about out loud, feeling the guilt knowing that I can't fulfill all his needs no matter how hard I try..

Yet, I will love him, as genuinely and truly as I can.. I wanted to give him a life where he is happy and secure, I still can give him that, there's no stopping it.. The little life I'm blessed with, the one that I love still stands as my strength!! Love definitely gives you the strength to face the challenges in life, the reason to fight and a reason to live!!

Love is a Wow or Love is a Woe, it just depends on the WHO!!


  1. I usually read blogposts randomly, absorb real thoughts birthed out of raw life experiences from real people and with these experiences grow to understand the world around me a little more each day. I believe real stories are more powerful than ideas or imaginations that the mind comes up with and hence I never have finished a book in my life. I usually ignore things that do not make sense to me and move on because I think - maybe I do not fathom it in its true intended depth or the writer’s perceived depth is so shallow that thoughts don’t flow fluidly at all. It’s like when the writer is imagining a thunderstorm in the head, whereas the words paint a drought. But everyone has a time to learn. Everyone has their own time to drown in meaning of life, but no one chooses this time or the path to reach it. I have been trying to get my grip over this magnificent thing called love all my adult life and yet I’m in the middle of nowhere. I had to post a comment here because this is disturbingly contradictory.

    Love is not a fairy tale feeling with jitters and butterflies and holding hands and exchanged glances only as much as it is not a contract to secure support to face obstacles and hardships. This is because many don’t understand the difference of ‘to love’ and ‘to be loved’. Loving someone only if they love you back is not love at all – it’s just an agreement. Just like a MOU. Because like you rightly said, ‘love is not self-seeking’ – ‘love does not keep records of wrong’ and the enlightening truth that ‘love does not fail’. If it has failed – it was never really love in the first place. No one can truthfully claim to have really fully loved and have expectations simply because love in its basic essence is a commitment of selfless giving. If you are only giving with the intend of payback, it was never love. It’s just another business transaction. What makes love amazingly powerful is the fact that when you truly love – without exception you get it back multiplied even if it sometimes takes longer than what we hope for. If you think about it - giving anything only takes one person’s effort. Of course, giving is easier when someone is eager to receive and furthermore convenient if they give something back. But if the motive of giving is receiving back – is it true selfless giving? If I grumble that I got nothing in return for giving or if I’m counting how much I’m giving – I shouldn’t boast of my ability to give.

    [True] Love is [always] a Wow {or} [if] Love is a Woe, it just depends on the [one] who [loves]!!

    1. Hi Bartholomew..

      First off, Many thanks for reading my humble post and also reviewing what I have written.. Yes, I made an error typing, "Love is not JUST a fairy tale feeling...." I accidentally forgot that word.. Have made necessary edits on that..

      Love isn't a contract nor do we have any obligation to stand as a support for the loved one but we still count on them, maybe an emotional support when the times are tough.. I don't think anyone except God can love another person selflessly.. When we love, we automatically expect some love, care and concern back.. If you keep loving, giving but get exploited and get nothing but abuse in return, you cannot expect a person to still be the giver just because you love them.. I have written from my personal experience, I waited for years for things to get better because I believed in love.. It pushed me further.. Now I don't romanticize love, I have a practical outlook about it!! I am not saying love isn't selfless, but there is an iota of selfishness where you expect love in return.. Your outlook about it may be different which is definitely acceptable, I just hope that when I believed in selfless love, my heart wouldn't have been damaged to think otherwise..

      [True] Love is [always] a Wow {or} [if] Love is a Woe, it just depends on the [one] who [ WAS LOVED]!!


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