Saturday 18 July 2020


I dream a dream which I hope will
come true..
Ya you guessed it right, it's a dream of me
and you..

The dream of our wedding day,
When you will come on a white horse and take me away..

Dream of a day when you will be on your
knees proposing me..
It's my favorite dream which i love to

Dream of a day when we will say "Yes, I 
That day everyone will know that you love
me and I love you too..

Dream of a day when I will be your bride
and you will be my groom..
When we will dance together in a

Dream of a day when I'll be in a white
and we will out of each and every

Dream of a day when I will walk down
the aisle,
Dream of the day when I will have the
world best smile ...

Dream of a day when all my dream will
come true,
That day when I finally will get u!!

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