Saturday 28 November 2020


Months of lockdown, months of staying home!! These days are a lesson, a reality unforeseen!!

These days are the ones that opened my eyes.. Showed exactly what I had.. Never realized how every little thing we had was a luxury.. Never realized that someday we wouldn't be able to enjoy the luscious greens, just gaze from afar.. 

Who imagined that people would have to stay home to stay alive??  Who imagined that the meeting of friends will only be virtual!! Who imagined that people close to you can get married, get promoted, get relocated or some even pass away, but all you can do is a virtual message?? Who imagined that the world would be brought to almost standstill by an unseen virus??

Never thought I'd be jobless, here I am, a workaholic looking to keep the mind busy.. Never thought the world would be so tough to people, I look around everywhere at people's lives that has changed drastically!! Never was the one to move to Kerala, here I am, five months and counting, just because it is safer for my clan.. 

The heart longs for people far and alone, hoping they stay safe and survive.. The heart prays for people involved in the medical community, for their kindness and service and the risk they take.. The heart sends love to people who go out of their way to make life a little less burdened for others!! The heart hopes someday times will be better again!!

Life has changed, not just for one or two, but the whole world.. It isn't fair what happened, just gave a realization that something is beyond imagination!!

These days opened my eyes.. Taught me never to take for granted anything... These days opened my eyes, told me I was blessed with enough!! I have a family that loves and cares for me, a home that keeps me safe, food on my table, clothes to wear, a son that makes my everyday joyous with his antics.. I have happiness and peace even amidst this chaos, and this realization is the best thing that the lockdown brought!!

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