Sunday, 4 April 2021

Good Friday

There are seven things that Jesus said on the cross before He breathed His last!!

1. Starting with the most human one “I am thirsty” : We all know about 40 days of fasting Jesus went through.. He did not yield to his basic human needs of food and water when tempted by Satan.. Yet here on the cross he pleads for a drop to drink, completely accepting the Human need!! 

2. “Woman behold your son” “here’s your mother”:  As a teacher when Jesus preached and his mother and siblings came to visit Him, He publicly stated that “everyone that follows my Father’s will is my mother and brothers”!! But on the cross when He breathed his last, despite having 12 siblings, Jesus entrusts His mother to a beloved disciple John knowing He will take care of her and vice versa!! This shows how much he cared for the person that gave him life!!

3. “Forgive them for they do not know what they do”: This is the ultimate level of forgiveness which is expected of us humans where we have the heart to forgive the ones that caused us pain!! 

4. “Today you will be in paradise with me” : these are the words we Strive for.. A sinner all his life who was crucified next to Jesus was pardoned of all his earthly sins and promised an eternal life!! We strive to reach a level of goodness where we too can be given the eternal life on our judgement day!!

5. “Father why have you forsaken me!” : this is the question we all ask during our troubles!! Jesus too asked the same when he couldn’t bear it through!! It shows that it is normal to question God but we should also follow the example where Jesus still continued following His Father's will!!

6. “It is done” : We can consider this as an expression where Jesus knows that His purpose of incarnation is complete and His purpose is fulfilled We all have been called for a purpose and it is imperative that we strive to live for our purpose!!

7 “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” : The last thing He muttered before He died!! He died with the knowledge that His purpose has been fulfilled and could let go with a sense of satisfaction!!

We all know about the torture that Jesus was subjected to and the pain of crucification is beyond explainable!! But the pain of Jesus can be seen after The last supper when he went out to pray before He was captured!! The night when he prayed at Gethsemane he prayed to God “Abba father, please take away this cup of suffering!” He knew what is coming for Him!! He knew the pain he’s going to be put into! He was scared of the torture he would be subjected to!! Isn’t that the same with us?? We don’t know what the future is but when things get overwhelming we do pray to God to take away our suffering!! Yet He immediately added “Yet it is not my will but thine be done!”

I have been a devout Christian teaching my kids about submission to Christ and total obedience like Abraham!! But it is difficult in real life!! When someone asks me “why am I tortured?? Why am I put through pain?” my immediate response to them would be the instance of Job where he lost his everything but still didn’t deny God.. He in turn was blessed with double the blessing!! But when the similar pain happens to me, I don’t know how to hold my faith!! I had a horrible experience in life which I am struggling still to get over!! As my process of healing I decided to have a fish tank, one of my three fishes died within weeks!! I started with gardening and my plant almost had buds when some creature (assuming a rat) nipped my whole plant in the bud leaving not a strand of green!! Then I took the biggest step of fulfilling my life long plan of bringing home a Rottweiler pup and my baby died even before I could hold him!! 

My therapist has suggested me to note down my gratitude journal daily but with these instances back to back I am very inclined to question my faith!! I know that God challenges the good people, he lets the evil ones grow until a point where he uproots the evil!! But why torture and test the good ones to a point of desperation?? Why put someone through constant pain?? Why test their faith?? 

This is where the relevance of Good Friday comes!! Jesus was at this point of desperation where He was completely aware of the torture He would be subjected to and He didn’t want the pain!! Yet he chose to submit His will and chose His father’s will!! This is the lesson for us too!! 

It is painful at present but the tolerance will be rewarded!! (This is the only hope that helps push through).. As people often remark that a piece of coal that handles pressure well turns into a diamond, maybe that is what the present painful situation teaches us!!

A Good Friday is “Good” only because of the Easter that follows!! The victory of goodness over evil, the hope of a good time to come helps us sail through the turmoils!! An Easter will always follow the darkest of Good Friday’s!!

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