Friday, 7 May 2021

The burntout employee in the next cubicle, Oops, next door!!

They say that a person working beyond office hours is inefficient since they cannot complete the delegated tasks within given time!! However the truth is that the deadlines given are rarely doable and everyone has to extend beyond given job timelines : extended work hours is an unwritten reality where people mention that you'll be expected to work beyond hours to complete given tasks!! 

The success of an employee is based on the fact whether they can function with 100% efficiency or more in any given situation without considering the emotional state of the person!! People don't even consider the death of an immediate family member or ill Health to be a valid reason for leave since it has become more than once in a week!! 

As time passes you realize that people only want to prove their worth and not many seniors have the feeling of carrying the team across over their personal accomplishment!! And in the constant pressure of making your mark in this never ending race, people eventually gets burnt out!! What we fail to remember is that your job role is indispensable as long as you're on the payroll!! The organization and work will continue even if you cease to exist!! Business is a perpetual entity after all by definition!! But what changes with your involvement or absence is the happiness factor of your family!! If you can't spend time for your family, nothing you do can compensate!!

In those initial days of articleship, working for the mere stipends, work was fun!! I realized I was a workaholic because I'd find excuses to go to work even if there was a reason to stay back.. The team and the mentors ensured a personal relationship which has been carried on for ages as friendship!! Similar happiness and motivation remained in every work place where there was a social setting, helping the workaholic me to find satisfaction!!

However, as grateful as I am to have found a good paying job amidst the pandemic, the motivation seems to be fading!! The absence of a social circle of workplace brings down the efficiency of work!! The realization has finally dawned that the motivation of turning up everyday to work was not just the satisfaction of having completed the assigned task but mainly due to the team that made the work hours fun and memorable!! 

In the absence of a social setting it is difficult to take notice of your colleague for whom the isolation might have hit harder than you!! Despite the advanced technology, where a physical presence is essential, no replacement can hold for long!! Take a peek at the employee in your next cubicle and check on them if they've been burnt out by any chance!! If not your cubicle, check on the next door neighbor too if they feel burnt out either!!

 In our constant run of making a livelihood we are forgetting to live!! Don't forget to enjoy your life amidst this rat race!!


  1. Actually!!! the social circle is something which was missed most in the wfh

    1. Yes!! Completely!! Burnt me out completely!! Took some rash decisions 😩😩 missing the life before; hoping the new normal opens up to social interaction once again!!


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