Saturday, 4 September 2021

Hey you!!

Hey you, the woman that has been crushed by the societal definition of “women”!!
It’s time to stand up straight and redefine  the roles of women!!

Hey you, the woman that has sacrificed her dreams and wishes!!
It’s time to prioritise yourself as much as others!!!

Hey you, the woman that was abused and beaten and still hid her scars!!
It’s not you that should be ashamed, don’t you hide!!

Hey you, the woman that tolerated everything!!
It’s time to roar your pain to teach others not to be silent!!

Hey you, the woman that has been called a gold digger for asking for your worth!!
The world has labels of all sort, only you know your own worth!! Don’t settle for less!!

Hey you, the woman that believed that silence will make others realise your worth!!
You were naive, they only took you for granted.. it still isn’t late to start afresh!!

Hey you, the woman that tried to fit into the so called duties of women!!
Well, it’s upto us to remove those gender associations to those duties!!

Hey you, the woman that feels lost and tired!!
Take a break, shed a tear but don’t lose your life on it!! Better days will come, wipe away the tears!!

Hey you, the woman that is a strong willed person!!
It’s you that inspires every other woman to be strong!! So keep inspiring!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading my content!! It’s not just women though that my post applies to!!!


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