Tuesday, 12 July 2022


When life seems to go downhill, we only focus on those things that are going bad in our life!! As taught in “Science of Spirituality” (a subject that is mandatory to become a successful manager because it is the emotions that control us over our facts), we tend to get caught up in a tendency to “overgeneralise” and think “bad things always happens to me”.

Looking back, every pain brought with it a lesson!! Though I’d love to go back a decade and be the naive person I was, I wouldn’t be who I am if not for the experiences!! I learnt many lessons on the way.. I learnt that relationship doesn’t last because of the name of the relationship but due to the efforts of the people!! I learnt that people that you believed can never hurt you, does!! I learnt that life is not about fantasies but a series of mundane routine that keeps life going!! I learnt that love is not what you see in movies but finding a sense of security and comfort in the partner!! I learnt that parenthood is a conscious decision each day no matter how hard it gets!!

And amongst all this, I learnt that life is not too bad!! Yes, there are people and experiences that brings you down to your knees.. But it’s never the end of the world no matter how bad it seems!! I still can trust (with the hope of never getting hurt again), still can smile and still can go on.. Because every day I find one little thing that gives me the reason to be thankful for, the person I call my son!! Because each day he reminds me that all my experiences led me to him and I can not imagine my life without him!! 

So when the bad thoughts happen, we forget to hold on to those little moments of gratitude life blesses us with!! And as I keep reminding myself, “look at the bright side of life”, and my bright side just brought me oodles of happiness with his error in his exam sheet!!

(If you didn’t understand what he meant)
I will give my mother water
I will say a story
I will play with my mother
I will study with my mother
I will help my mother tidy my room (though he cleans up after himself)

Although he didn’t get the answer right, I can never thank heavens for giving me him!! I always knew parents love you more than anyone ever can!! But after my kiddo, I guess I’m just too blessed to find such a pure soul that loves me to the core!  And no matter what, I always am and will be thankful for everything that happened in my life because it ultimately gave me my son!! 

Find your little moments of happiness, find your happy corner and your pure bliss of joy!! Life is certainly unfair and there are definitely gonna be moments and days when you feel low!! Remember the goodness in this world , remember the goodness in “your” world and hold on through it!!


Forever grateful

I am blessed with the best in life!! When I felt alone; I was blessed with the best companion I could ask for!! To my chaos, he became my an...