Friday, 10 November 2023

Not your typical “wife” material

I’m not the sacrificial kind that will let go of my slumber to pack you three bags of tiffin!!

I’m not the kind you’ll see from 5am to 10pm in the kitchen making food round the clock to prepare a table full of food per meal!!

I’m not the kind that will be obedient and follow your instructions to the T..

I’m not the kind that will restrict my friend list to the wives of your friends (because your “girl” friends are off limits for being friends with me and as a wife I shouldn’t have any friends - be them of any gender)

I’m not the kind people call a “Susheel, sanskari bahu”

I’m not the kind to be quiet when you behave like abusing me is your birthright!!

I’m not the kind  that pays you lakhs and car to get married to you!!

I’m not the kind that will keep quiet when I see you write about paying huge alimony when the reality is that you’ve not even given me 20% of what you’ve taken from me..

I’m not the kind that makes “being your wife” the only ambition in life because “love is all that is enough to make life worthwhile, the happy family is the end and career is just a mean to the end!”

Well, I mean to say I’m not that kind “anymore”..

That relationship taught me the difference between being a wife as per the social norms and being a wife the way I wanna be!!

I’m a partner, a friend, a supporter, a fan, a help, a co parent and everything it takes to run the relationship, when I’m with the one that does the same for me!! 

I’m not that typical wife material that a man child looks for, I’m the wife material for a “man”..

(Unlike some disclaimers, none of the facts are distorted or fictional and if anyone wants to use it for defamation can and should go ahead)

In remembrance of a decade wasted 🕯️

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