Monday, 17 June 2024

Celebrating “dad”

In a world where people can’t wait to be a father, there are very few that stands up and becomes a dad!!

Many just fulfils their obligation toward fatherhood by giving 10k and visiting twice a month!! 

But then there are people that make their child/ren their priority!! They know how to care, how to provide, how to be there!!

They think about their kid every moment of every day; strive to do better for their offspring!! They worry for them each day!! Make them their priority!!

They’d be there as your backup!! They’d be there to protect!! They’d be there to care!! They’d be there to lead!! They’d be there to guide!! 

They’d be there when you need them because they’re always there!! They’re not there when it’s convenient, they’re there because they choose to!!

Even as an adult, despite being independent and by myself for a decent part of adulthood now, despite having a few self help tips handy, he still makes it a point to come over often to help me fix the errands in the house!! He comes over and suddenly the choke up in the tap is cleaned, the basics of the house is fixed and running, I’ve got “hot” food on the table bcz he’s heated it up for the lazy bum who eats it cold!! From talking investment to talking  about how I should raise monkeys that visits our window; I know I can still count on him any moment I find anything difficult!!

Elder daughters and dads have a very special love hate relationship!! He loves me more than anything and anyone on earth (my pride and the factor to irritate my sister)!! But he hates my audacity and the fact that I’m just as tempered and adamant as him!! But he’s definitely around to see me be more independent and does everything in his power to ensure I don’t need him!!

But alas, he doesn’t know, a child always “ALWAYS” needs the dad!! And especially when you’ve got a good one, you always know, you’ve got someone to count on when you’re in need!! Rather, he ensures you’re never ever in “need” of him!!

Saturday, 8 June 2024

The “eulogy” I’d like to hear

We all hear great things about the people that has passed!! We hear praises about how gem of a person they were!! How loving and kind they were!! How their presence made things better!! 

But sadly “they” aren’t here to hear it anymore!! Maybe it’s just the societal way of reminding loved ones of how much a good person the deceased was!!

But sometimes I wished I could hear my eulogy!! Just to know what my friends and folks have to speak about me!!

There are days where I’m filled with self doubt!! There are days when I convince myself I’m just not worthy!! And those are the days I wished someone would just tell me “I’m good enough” or “I am sufficient”!!

I know, I know!! I have enough self love that tells me not to be worried by how the world perceives me!! I know I’m a good person and I intentionally mean no harm to anyone!! So I don’t doubt my worth!! But some times I just wanna have someone say it loud if I make their life any better in any way!! It’s just good to hear it!!

That’s what Augustus did in “Fault in our stars”!! It’s good to hear the last words from your closest ones about how better your presence made their life a bit more better!!
Id like to know if I was a friend good enough for you to share your burdens with me as much as I enjoyed cheering you on your happiest moments!! I wanna know if I was a good Co worker enough for we spent most of our waking hours cribbing, laughing and teaming up to get the work done!! I wanna hear that I was a good sibling enough, that you knew how I loved and cared for you and would do anything in my capacity to protect you!! I wanna hear, just once more (and it’s never enough no matter how many times he tells me) that I’ve been a good mom and have done everything in my power to be a good one!! I just wanna hear my parents how proud they’re of me!!

Well it just feels good when someone notices and appreciates that small little things about you, and without even realising, they just paste a big wide smile on your face!!

Why do we wait for someone to pass on to praise them? Why don’t we appreciate what we already have and realise that every moment we get with our loved ones is precious and not wait for that to pass to appreciate what we had??

So make it a point to notice the good in people and point them out too, you never know, it could end up being the “happiest moment” of their day!! And for me, I’m gonna ask my friends to pen me down a eulogy so that I can bookmark it to serve me as a reminder that I do something good in this world!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...