Saturday, 14 September 2024

Those “Heavy” Thoughts

While travelling the 14km one way ride to n from work on a daily basis, I seldom see women riders..It’s almost always women pillions.. And they feel so comfortable being a pillion than taking up the stress of riding!!

Well that’s a metaphor that most of the women have the privilege of having someone run the house or atleast share the load with!! 

What people don’t realise is that no matter how independent a woman is, she feels a sense of security when she has someone to count on!! Maybe other women don’t, but I definitely know how secure and how motivated I feel when I know someone’s got my back!!

I wanted to go home to my parents for the weekend which sadly didn’t happen since I couldn’t make arrangements for my son.. n I wished, had I had a partner, I could entrust my son n leave..

Had I had a partner, I’d have someone to come home to n vent out about the craziness of the day!!

Had I had a partner, I’d feel taken care of!!

Had I had a partner, I’d feel safe!!

Had I had a partner, I could ask for a hug!!

Had I had a partner, my cortisol n anxiety levels would be in control!!

Had I had a partner, we could joke about absolute nothings or just go around the city on a whim!!

Well, I did have a partner, for over half a decade n those things happened too seldom so maybe it wouldn’t be different even if I had a partner!!

And everytime a lid don’t open or the electrical appliance acts funny or there’s some plumbing issue or my scooter breaks down or has a flat tyre, I don’t have anyone but myself to call up on to get it fixed!! And as liberating as it feels, it also brings about a pang of pain, I wished I had someone to share the mundane!!

Well, life goes on!! N it’s just another downward spiral of thought!! It’s gonna be a better day tomorrow with a more happier thought!!

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