Saturday, 23 June 2018

He hates me!!

The hatred starts every morning when I wake him up from his deep slumber!! He is angry, cranky, irritated and makes it known by the screams, cries, pulling hair, biting and headbutts!! (No, it's not my punishment to him for doing the same things at night when I force him to sleep)..

Then is the next round: brushing!! Oh, he hates me.. I force him to brush, doesn't yield result.. Then I pin him down on my lap, hold his arms and brush his teeth.. That's the next round of crying..

Another reason he hates me is bcz I force feed him at times.. When I feel he's not eaten and might be hungry, I try to force him to eat.. No, I never succeed.. He always spits it out, cleans his tongue by rubbing it clean and then drink water to clear his mouth.. But his hatred is evident in his eyes and his howls..

Then is changing clothes.. There are days he's a water baby and we fight to get him out of the water.. But on few days I really have to fight to get him out of his clothes and into the shower or tub.. He hates me in either of the situation..

Pulling him back home after an hour with his friend or at the park is his biggest anger against me, after the anger of putting his toys away after he scatters it around the house..

The other reason he gets angry is because I don't give him cake, pizza or juice when he sees it on TV, when I put the TV off when it's way late into the night and he still wants to watch TV, locking the refrigerator to stop him from taking chocolates, eggs or juice, not opening the showcase to take out things from inside, the list is too long and new things gets added daily..

But do I stop doing things that makes him hate me?? Hell, no.. I can't.. Because I love him.. Some day he will realise that it's my love for him that made him hate me, but at that time he will have a kid who hates him for the same reason.. Because in this three years I realized why my dad did these things for me when I hated him too much and made so much of a fuss and cry during the early years of my life!!

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