Saturday, 10 November 2018

Maa ka haath ka khaana

 Today while making pasta for my son, seeing his excitement and impatience checking on the progress of the pasta cooking,  it struck me.. Inspite of his love for this dish, when offered similar looking Alfredo sauce pasta (white pasta), he tasted n spat it out at various occasions!!! When in Italy, he was the only one who didn't enjoy/eat pasta when pasta was arranged for the entire group owing to his birthday.. The entire crew from Kerala enjoyed it inspite of being reluctant to try a foreign cuisine whereas the chief guest of the day satisfied himself with the cheese on the pizza instead!! Why?? Pasta being an Italian dish, had the authentic tasting thing there!! It was delicious, to put it in simple terms.. My three year old has helped solve a complicated thought in my head..

 My mummy (MIL)  is an amazing cook, nobody can beat that.. But still, certain dishes I love when it's cooked by my mom.. Not because of the taste, but familiarity.. I have grown up having certain dishes in a certain manner.. That's a signature style of my mom or dad.. If someone else makes the same dish, it'll not taste the same.. I'd prefer the taste I've had all my life over something new..
This simple logic was unearthed by my tiny tot who hasn't even begun talking clear sentences.. He has had pasta made by me much more times than the outside food.. I boil it soft since he's lazy to chew, replace maida with wheat flour, authentic maida pasta with semolina pasta, not adding veggies or chicken since he hates it and on and on..  I make Palak paneer with extra cream because it masks the flavour of spinach since the kid refuses it and that's a hit with him!! In brief, it's custom made for my son, because I know his choices, worry about his health and want to see the satisfaction in his face at the end of the meal..

 That's what all our mothers have been doing for us.. We don't worry whether or not the food retains the authentic taste because we have a more important concern.. Next time when you boast about how amazing cook your mom is, don't forget to acknowledge the preference she's given to your choice!!

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