Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Listen, at least once!!

There is someone we all know about, someone who has changed drastically, someone who seems a lot different than before, someone you feel has lost their spark.. You ask them what's wrong and they say it's just routine or exhaustion.. Please give them a nudge, they may have a lot to talk but just can't do it..

Yes, you see them smile, you see them talk, you feel everything is normal but something feels amiss.. They are faking it.. That smile is a fake, that normalcy is fake, that's all a pretence to feel one in the crowd.. They are searching for someone who they can share their burden with, someone to just unload their pain.. But still, inspite of someone coming forward to talk, they shut themselves up.. You think it's such a Paradox, how can someone who wants to talk not do so when someone offers to hear..

But thats how paradoxical Depression makes you behave..It breeds on your negative memories, conquering your conciousness, depriving you of clarity and leaving you alinged with an opaque feeling.. It's like the dementors of Harry Potter series, sucking out your good thoughts.. 

This opaque feeling builds on your thoughts 
exponentially paralysing your thought process resulting into a state of constant unsettlement.. You know it's in your head but you can't get it out.. It shuts you off from the world, makes you feel like a robot doing chores and duties.. You feel numb, lifeless, monotonous.. Gradually making you your own enemy.. 

Next time you see someone having changed drastically, try to talk to them.. In a fast paced life, sparing a few minutes to listen is the biggest gift we can give.. Going for therapy is not something that everyone can do.. But talking to a friend is possible.. They may be rude, turn you down or disown your words. Stick around, they will surely open up..  We can be real friends in their time of despair.. Hear them, nudge them and give them the comfort they require to share their hearts..

Let us decide to be there for someone we know who needs us. Let us phase this monster out.. Let us get the genuine happiness back in the life of our friend.. Let us be a friend before they conspire against themselves!!!

Blog by "thegreatzero" (presently "https://angelicones.blogspot.com/") (Rajakumar Thevar)and "phoenixrisingfromtheash.blogspot.com" (BB)

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