Monday, 8 March 2021

The scars behind her smile!!!

Started at 19.. He pretended to be her best friend.. Slowly and gradually removing all the pillars of friends from her life.. Judging them, criticising them and making her choose between him and them knowing fully that she'll choose him.. At 19, naive and hopelessly the romantic category is such a danger area.. Friendship became best friends as quickly as four months and two more months later, he expressed his "LOVE" for her.. He learnt her dreams, her wishes, her vision of the one she wants to settle down with.. He played the part convincingly, clearly invoking compassion on his loving nature to his then girl friend and sacrificing nature for his friends.. She fell for him,  hard and on her face.. Everytime he argued and fought for doing something that pleases her, she left it instead of defending herself.. She felt he will be pleased with her, happy with her.. When she told him to choose between his then girl friend and her since she didn't want to be the other woman in his life, he broke up with his girlfriend.. And now, he blames her for having had to leave the girl he loved because she forced him to.. She, the naive and innocent teenager felt it was love, not knowing he was playing all along..

Within a year of being together, many fights later, he proposed marriage.. And the little girls heart fluttered.. She couldn't be happier than living her whole life with her bestie, her lover,  her protector, her everything!! But weeks before the wedding, he raised his hands on her for the first time and screamed on her face saying she's the reason for him to make a commitment he isn't ready for.. She was shattered.. At the young age of 21, she was ready to settle.. All preparation were done.. She was losing her mind.. She pleaded her mom to cancel the wedding.. But her mom didn't know the entire truth.. He apologized, she forgave.. She convinced herself that it's the pre marital jitters.. On the wedding day, he proudly announced how she's the "lottery winning" of his life.. She was excited, blushing and on top of the world, not realising he meant it quite literally, she wasn't more than just a win for him, a challenge that he gave himself and successfully attained..

Within some time she realised he only wants an obedient maid, not a friend or lover.. He wants a care taker to take care of him and all his needs.. It's always about him.. Speaking about her is not acceptable.. It's his decisions and her obedience.. She was slowly turning into a puppet losing herself.. When things seemed bleak,  she felt the presence of a young life would bring back the lost happiness.. How ignorant!!! It made things worse instead.. Now she had to take care of the little life inside too, without an iota of support, interest or compassion from him.. One he even told about destroying that little life, which he later apologized for as "words in anger".. Nonetheless, she believed that and let it go.. She felt he will love the kid when he sees the baby.. He never spoke to the unborn child, never touched the bump, the moving feelings of the baby used to give him creeps.. She didn't see it coming..

Once the baby was out, he used to state that the kid is too small to understand anything and hence never bothered to give the kid his time or attention.. He never showed any excitement of coming and seeing the kid when they were away.. She came back to her husband's house thinking that the presence of the kid would make him attached.. But she was wrong again.. Here, she had to take care of the kid without any help from the dad.. The dad washed the poop of the kid for the first time when he turned almost a year and half.. Never bathed the kid.. Never played with the kid..

But he does share pictures on facebook and whatsapp status' to show how much profound love he has for the kid.. He always plays nice, talks and laughs when he needs something and then turn indifferent once his needs are met.. She always fell for his loving nature not knowing that it's just a pretence, not the truth.. It's the carrot in front of the mule to motivate it to fulfil your needs..

Arguments became common,.. She began to fight for the life she visioned living with him.. But it was always pushed back.. When raised voices stopped controlling her, he began raising hands.. What began as twisting arms went on to pulling hair and then to slapping, hitting and kicking.. He's a football player, his kicks are pretty much strong especially when he kicks right on your lower back or stomach.. She felt the scars he left on her will make him feel sorry for what he has done but he only blamed her for provoking him to do it.. She still believed that things could be better.. Every time he post on facebook or whatsapp ending with a "love you ", she believed that love existed in her life.. But little did she know, it's his tactics for his fans and to garner likes and hear from the world his immense love for his wife.. The kid is 3.5.. It's still the mother's responsibility raising the kid, it's still the woman who needs to stay in control and not provoke.. She knows now what her place is in her life.. They chat, but limited to the family and related things.. When she tries to bring back love in the relationship by stating "I love you" to him, it's completely ignored.. Because, as a caretaker, expressing love isn't allowed.. She should ensure a smooth sailing family, take care of his parents, do all the things that needs to be done, raise the kid.. But her need of security, love, happiness need not be met..

Now she knows her life, Now she knows her place.. Now she knows what she wants.. And she's finally taken that step to break the chains!!


  1. There is so much pain here. That 19 year old im sure has outgrown that naive little girl. But still I feel you have not healed. Mistakes happen, but when u learn a lesson n move on, that's when the mistake makes sense. If u keep dwelling on the past, you will never heal. Move on with life. Walk on the sea shore, visit places, meet new people, make friends, laugh more. Meet someone speacial, who knows you may end up meeting someone who would love you with all ur scars and accept u they way u are. A second chance. Eventually one day we all will die. U can make ur life a prison and die in the prison as a punishment for being naive at 19. Or u could open the gate of the cage ur in and fly like a bird, and then die living a happy and fulfilled life. Its ur choice, and only ur choice. Assuming ur 30 today. U still have a good 40 years to live. The question is how do u wanna live that 40 years? In prison? Or flying high like a phoenix ?

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.. Yes, at 30, finally there's a chance at a positive change.. Open to love but not looking for it, life is going pretty fine.. Making changes for good improvement in all walks of life as we speak!!


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