Monday, 11 February 2019

This too is marriage!!

I love you just as much as I loved you then..
But I don't need you as much as I needed you then!!

I'll be there for you whenever you need me..
But you'll not be the one I need whenever I'm in trouble!!!

I'll tell you everything that concerns me..
But you'll not be the one that I share my excitement and joy or my sorrows and pain with!!

I promise you my respect and loyalty..
But not the kind of adoration and awe I had!!!

I'll hold your hand in difficult times, help you out in your difficulty and help you smile when low..
But not cause I love you the same, but since you were my world once upon a time!!

I will be your family when you need one..
But you'll not be considered as my family in my heart!!

Yes, we are a couple for the world, maybe a happy one at that..
But we stay two individuals under the pretence and will stay so!!

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

What do women want?

What do women want?? A complicated question that people are direly trying to figure.. Let's see:

1. A woman wants to feel appreciated (most important)

2. A woman wants to feel loved. (just as important as #1)

3. A woman wants to feel attractive (Yup, say it more, we love an honest praise)

4. A woman wants to feel supported (yes, no matter how strong we portray ourselves)

5. A woman likes to know that she's a reason of happiness and pride for the one's she loves!!

6. A woman likes surprises and to surprise!! (don't you ever foil her plan)

7. A woman likes to make her own decision and be a part of yours too..

8. A woman wants to be encouraged when things are overwhelming.. Just "it's OK, you can do it" gives her the strength to move mountains..

9. A woman doesn't *emphasis on doesn't * like to be called nagging, irritating OR controlling and definitely not a "cry baby "!!!! Yes, there are times we are low and it's the hormones.. Don't make it worse!!

10. Lastly, yet not the least, A woman wants to eat everything that makes her lips smack but without them piling on her hips!!!

Not an exhaustive list, just a glimpse of what we want!!!

A little examples of what we want;

I guess we women want our guy to just hug us from behind when we least expect it, it makes us feel loved..

A small peck on the forehead, again shows love..

Pulling us closer to themselves in front of people which shows love, pride and admiration..

Her guy to know that she's actually going through that time of the month so try to be extra nice and thoughtful..

To share the load in house and in emotion..

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...