Saturday, 30 November 2019

Random thoughts_40

From the moment I stepped inside the cafe, I laid my eyes on you.. 

I couldn't focus on my girls or my kid.. You were so attractive and distractive.. I was so much engrossed at staring at you and just smiling that I never realized when I lost my girls.. 

All evening I spent wanting to have you.. Why will I be sorry then divulging the entire pastry on a go when I had it on my table then??

Monday, 25 November 2019

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Parenting 101

Teach them about right and wrong!!
Raise them with values, principles and morals!!

And let them be!!

They are entrusted to us to help them face the world.. Trust them that they will not falter or go awry.. But if they choose to differ from your views, let them be.. They are an individual just like you and me.. They too have their views and opinions.. And as they grow you realize that its not necessary what you preach is what they believe but trust them that you've raised them well enough to be able to have a strong opinion!!

Make them ready for the world!! Raise them strong and independent!! Raise them bold enough to form a decision and stay strong at that!! And definitely, hear opinions from all but decide on the basis of careful analysis!!

Pain deserves to be felt!!

Sometimes even beauty is seen in the absence of light!!

Sometimes the unbearable pain that an oyster or a butterfly undergoes is what we go through in our life to have a beautiful output!!

Sometimes people get stronger only when they are pushed through any challenge!!

Sometimes the pain you're enduring are the chisels and hammers that's sculpting you!!

You're David inside that marble;
But you need breaking, you need the pain to become a marvel!!

Sometimes there isn't an out. Sometimes endurance is the only way..
To grind your teeth and get through it :
To be a masterpiece of life's making!!

Just like you need rains to see a rainbow up in the Sky, you need some challenges to help you see that shine in you..

You're so much stronger than what you realize.. If walking through fire is what it takes to shine then waltz through it and shine bright!!

Edit and input:

Random thoughts_38

Do what you really wish to do, but the moment you've to hide it from the world, you know its wrong!!

Clear conscience = happy life

Choose to be happy but doing no wrong!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...