Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Growing up

You know you are growing up when your regular 11 pm movie dates are now rescheduled to ensure you are home latest by 11 pm!!


You know you are growing up when you don't give more attention to your attire when you step out to shop rather the list of things you wish to accomplish in a single trip!!


You know you are growing up when you don't do things to make someone else happy, rather do things that make you happy!! 


You know you are growing up when money credited makes you immediately calculate the liabilities to be cleared and the investments to be made over the excitement to celebrate.


You know you are growing up when business parlance becomes your language of communication over the informal communication style!!


You know you are growing up when you realise that you cannot call on to someone else for the errands in the house rather learn to do it yourself - from fixing a faulty tap to shooing away mice from the house!!


You know you are growing up when weekends are all about completing tasks and catching on to the sleep pending during the week!!


You know you are growing up when you look for ways to save some bucks!!


You know you are growing up when you no more call out "mummy / daddy" but step up and do things yourself!!


You know you are growing up when the days you don't come home exhausted feels like an accomplishment.


You know you are growing up when an extended weekend makes you excited!!


You know you are growing up when your birthday does not excite you as much as planning your kid's does!!


Growing older is definite, growing up is a choice!! And I know I am growing up since I am proud of the person I have become!! 


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