Friday, 26 January 2024

All the men I have met in my life!!

It’s been over 4 years since I’ve been on my own; since the separation!!

It’s been over 2 years I’ve been on the “dating apps” and now finally have given up!!

But I did meet a lot of variety of men out there!!

The man who said “you’re too good for me, I’m too broken to be with you”

The man who “wanna talk dirty??”

The man who “your place or mine??”

The man who wants to “get you drunk enough to take you home”

The man who said “you’re amazing but I am too busy to be there with you”

The man “I love you” but falters when their ex gets married..

The man “I’m XYZ but no, can’t share my phone number nor any real identity of mine”

The man “I’m married but my wife doesn’t need to know about this”

The man “I’m interested” but the wife calls up to say she’s sorry that her husband is a liar!!

The men who have ghosted me and maybe I ended up ghosting some too!!

And mainly, The man “I am separated” to “I love you and can’t wait to spend the next fifty years with you” to “I’m sorry but I have to go back to my wife and  can’t be with you”

And now 
The man “I wanna marry you immediately” but then I’m sorry because I’m too messed up for right now to be with anyone!!

How the tables have turned!! And yet, a desperate part of me still hopes to find my “crazy stupid love” and yet instead of finding “the one”, I find so many “ones”.. 

Sunday, 7 January 2024

The love I don’t deserve

He tells me everyday that he loves me, he shows me every moment he cares!! He can’t sleep until I’m besides him and he finishes narrating his entire day to me..

He hugs me when I’m sad, reassures me a when I’m overthinking..

He calms me saying “it’s ok; I know you’re doing your best”

He reminds me “don’t cry, it’s going to be ok”

He pushes me to try new things, especially when I’m too apprehensive.. he reminds me to be curious!!

He covers me in a blanket as we enjoy movie night and tells me “I hope you’re comfortable!”

He tells me that he wants to provide for me when he’s grown and take care of me!!

He’s kind and sensitive and so much more mature than what an eight year old should be!!

Don’t know if I should be guilty for a kid that’s so mature or be proud!!

All I know is that of the two boys I know will not leave me, he still tops that list!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...