Monday, 11 December 2017


Every person has different things that makes them satisfied.. Something that is very close to their heart at times..

For instance, someone like a sportsperson (Ya, intended the supposedly better half) satisfaction lies in helping win a match..

For others, satisfaction lies in having a delicious meal or in case of the person mentioned prior, yummy desserts..

For some people satisfaction lies in completing something that they have worked hard for..

For the people who have a Monica Geller in them like me, satisfaction lies in having things the way they want.. (yup, just described one of my grey sides)

For the bookworm in me, satisfaction lies in peacefully reading the book without any tugging at my feet or screaming around..

For the mother in me, satisfaction lies in putting the toddler to bed before 11pm and Finally getting something to blog after having nothing to write about in days!!

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