Tuesday 2 January 2018

2 minutes

You have 2 minutes?? Let's cook Maggi!! (so the ads claim, I don't really propagate that thought)

Do you know what else can happen in two minutes?? Let me list the few things that has happened within a Span of two minutes in the last two weeks !!

1. 2 minutes of shut eye in the afternoon  resulted in a nail polish bottle being broken in the room and the floor and furniture being smeared with a glazing purple color and an innocent smile thrown in my direction by the toddler while walking around the room and painting everything purple!! It took me quite some efforts to get him out of there, clean and put him to sleep and around an hour of hardwork and one and half bottle of nail polish removers to clean the room!!

2. 2 minutes of focusing on a book resulted in all his belongings scattering on the floor, a room full of mess and the toddler on the TV table trying to play tabla on the TV.. Being a mom, having a clean organised house is my biggest dream!!

3. 2 minutes of talking on the phone and the toddler has found his way into the bathroom, turned on the water, half filled the bucket and plopped himself inside it.. Ya, didn't realise he learnt how to open the bathroom door..

4. 2 minutes today resulted in an incident  which in parenthood is protected by a vow between the parent and child that such incidents would never be disclosed..

5. I've taken 2 minutes now to end the blog and gotta rush to see what the vessels in the kitchen is being thrown around for!!


  1. Hahaha... I may list a few more 6 months down the line!

    1. Sure.. Each kid has their share of additions


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