Sunday, 14 April 2019

Healing the broken heart

A friend had posted on facebook "why does relationship fail? "

I thought hard and deep to reply her
"When you give your everything and yet get nothing back, when you cater to their needs but you don't have your wishes catered to, when you are not allowed to be yourself, follow your passion, when other people are called to get involved when the two could figure out how to work it out, when your core beliefs are altered to please someone, when you need to constantly remind them that you're being neglected and not taken care of, when you realise you've done your best and you're totally drained to do anything more: all of it gradually adds to it and one day you just snap.. When you realise you've got nothing more to offer and you're drained, you walk out."

But then what? The heart still loves, the heart still hurts, the heart still longs, the heart still hopes.. How can you just shake yourself and say, "wake up day dreamer, it's over.. Get a hold on yourself and move on.." What hurts more is that when you snap and when you threaten to walk out, you have a hope that your partner will hear your plea, see your pain and realize that something needs to be fixed and make it work.. But life isn't so easy..

No matter how hard you convince yourself it's over, you really can't bring yourself to accept that truth.. You still can't believe it's an abrupt end to your happily ever after.. People may tell you "whatever happens, happens for the best" but it's so much easier said than done..

It's important to replenish yourself before giving someone yourself.. And then starts the beautiful journey of healing, forgiving and accepting.. Then the heart finds a new found strength.. It's just like a phoenix.. Bursting into flames and beginning again, rising from the ashes..

The heart that was broken finds comfort, finds peace.. Inspite of the frequent meltdowns, the heart seems to learn to be genuinely happy again.. The meltdown frequency reduces and happiness increases.. One day, just like that, you realise that you're happy no matter how painful the journey was.. The broken heart heals, leaving just a few scars to remind itself of what happened!!!

Thursday, 11 April 2019

More than words!!

Saying I love you 
Is not the words I want to hear from you 
It's not that I want you 
Not to say, but if you only knew 
How easy it would be to show me how you feel 
More than words is all you have to do to make it real 
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 
'Cause I'd already know 
What would you do if my heart was torn in two 
More than words to show you feel 
That your love for me is real 
What would you say if I took those words away 
Then you couldn't make things new 
Just by saying I love you

A wonderful song by Extreme!!

We all have learnt that communication can be both verbal and non verbal.. With the advent of technology, the communication is confined to words being exchanged which results in more confusion since the non verbal complementary component is absent.. You don't need words to express yourself if the person with you can read your cues..

My son squeezes my hand when he's scared, I just cuddle him closer.. I know he's scared by the touch and he knows he's safe by the hug.. His genuine smile, his laughter, his concern all shows his extreme love.. His "I love you's" don't match up to the infinite expression of love my kid shows during the day.. He says "love you " when I tell him, but he shows he loves me even when I don't expect him to.. He knows my anger looking at my face, he knows to drive me up there n he also knows to calm me.. All this done by a kid who doesn't speak much..

In short, feelings are not what's put out in words.. It's good to hear it.. But it's even better to feel it.. Because sometimes words don't do justice to the feeling.. If the person feels the love, there's no need for the words..

For a romantic, life revolves around love.. When you find someone you love selflessly and you are loved back in the same manner, life is perfect and worth living.. Can't be more thankful for this little guy who has taught me the meaning of love without even having to use words!!

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


3am is said to be the time when magic happens.. Writers write, musicians compose, wise men get to work..

It's that ungodly hour when the whole world sleeps but the restless minds (and hearts) toss and turn.. When some seldom noise of a heavy vehicle interupts the eerie silence.. When the heavy heart begins to over analyse and burdens itself.. It's that time when the muffled cries explodes into screams.. It's the hour when the deepest fears surfaces.. It's the hour when you are with yourself and you cannot pretend any more.. It's the hour you're yourself, unmasked, vulnerable, exposed, weak, a person who dreads the dawn..

Yet again the sun rises and the person inside is put to rest.. The mask is adorned, the smile is pasted, the routines are done and life goes on.. The person inside waits for the stillness and quietness, the loneliness and the silence that follows a loud busy day.. The person inside waits until they can surface again.. But that person inside knows that this won't last long.. Because the person who carries that little person is strong enough.. Just like the dawn breaks after it has been the darkest, life gets better.. That hope helps put that little person inside to some rest while the outside person gets strength to carry out about in the day!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...