Sunday, 14 April 2019

Healing the broken heart

A friend had posted on facebook "why does relationship fail? "

I thought hard and deep to reply her
"When you give your everything and yet get nothing back, when you cater to their needs but you don't have your wishes catered to, when you are not allowed to be yourself, follow your passion, when other people are called to get involved when the two could figure out how to work it out, when your core beliefs are altered to please someone, when you need to constantly remind them that you're being neglected and not taken care of, when you realise you've done your best and you're totally drained to do anything more: all of it gradually adds to it and one day you just snap.. When you realise you've got nothing more to offer and you're drained, you walk out."

But then what? The heart still loves, the heart still hurts, the heart still longs, the heart still hopes.. How can you just shake yourself and say, "wake up day dreamer, it's over.. Get a hold on yourself and move on.." What hurts more is that when you snap and when you threaten to walk out, you have a hope that your partner will hear your plea, see your pain and realize that something needs to be fixed and make it work.. But life isn't so easy..

No matter how hard you convince yourself it's over, you really can't bring yourself to accept that truth.. You still can't believe it's an abrupt end to your happily ever after.. People may tell you "whatever happens, happens for the best" but it's so much easier said than done..

It's important to replenish yourself before giving someone yourself.. And then starts the beautiful journey of healing, forgiving and accepting.. Then the heart finds a new found strength.. It's just like a phoenix.. Bursting into flames and beginning again, rising from the ashes..

The heart that was broken finds comfort, finds peace.. Inspite of the frequent meltdowns, the heart seems to learn to be genuinely happy again.. The meltdown frequency reduces and happiness increases.. One day, just like that, you realise that you're happy no matter how painful the journey was.. The broken heart heals, leaving just a few scars to remind itself of what happened!!!

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