Tuesday 2 April 2019


3am is said to be the time when magic happens.. Writers write, musicians compose, wise men get to work..

It's that ungodly hour when the whole world sleeps but the restless minds (and hearts) toss and turn.. When some seldom noise of a heavy vehicle interupts the eerie silence.. When the heavy heart begins to over analyse and burdens itself.. It's that time when the muffled cries explodes into screams.. It's the hour when the deepest fears surfaces.. It's the hour when you are with yourself and you cannot pretend any more.. It's the hour you're yourself, unmasked, vulnerable, exposed, weak, a person who dreads the dawn..

Yet again the sun rises and the person inside is put to rest.. The mask is adorned, the smile is pasted, the routines are done and life goes on.. The person inside waits for the stillness and quietness, the loneliness and the silence that follows a loud busy day.. The person inside waits until they can surface again.. But that person inside knows that this won't last long.. Because the person who carries that little person is strong enough.. Just like the dawn breaks after it has been the darkest, life gets better.. That hope helps put that little person inside to some rest while the outside person gets strength to carry out about in the day!!

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