Saturday, 14 September 2019

I'm not OK!!

We are all trained to have our feelings and pains under wraps!! We are all taught by elders and by life that nobody cares if you're upset,if you're in pain, if you're going through troubles!! We are taught never to show our vulnerability!! We are taught to be brave no matter how miserable things are!!

Yes, hard truth of life : people don't really care how you feel!! But the reality is that, "not all people really care how you feel"... There's always someone or few people who genuinely cares for you.. There are some go to people that you know you could just drop a msg or dial them when you feel low.. There are people who can talk you through your worries, make you laugh, distract you or maybe, just hear you!!

We are humans, we have complex feelings..
Everyday is not going to be a happy day, everyday is not going to be good.. All of us have good days and bad, all of us have mood swings, its part of nature.. Its very brave to be putting on a smile when things are crashing.. But its braver to be able to finally open up about how you really feel!! You don't need to open up to the entire world, but you gotta find that bunch of people that can help you out!!

Yes, I'm not OK!! Yes, I'm having a troubled time!! Yes, I wanna crash!! But I have my support systems!! And the best Part of this phase is that I have got a bunch of people I feel connected with!! I've got people whom I can finally be honest n say, I'm feeling upset and I wish to talk.. And they do talk and get me out!!

You don't need to be brave at all times, you are strong, you are amazing.. But you're just a fellow human!! When you feel low, when you're troubled, when you're overwhelmed remember, there's someone or few people always there for you!! You're not alone!!

The day we drill in the world the idea that "its OK to not be OK" more people will finally open up their true feelings and will be at peace in life!! I know how important these people are in my life, so if you're troubled, alone or just wanna talk, you've got me!!! Its OK to not be OK!!

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