Monday, 23 December 2019

Social Animal

There's a deep fear in knowing that you may end up alone for life!! There's an uncertainty when you had an expectation about how your life would look like and it suddenly crashes!! But that's the most difficult situation to face : to stay in a familiar, uncomfortable, painful zone or take the plunge "Into the unknown!"

Maybe life could get worse than now.. Maybe life could get better than now.. But the reason the mind is exploring the pros and cons is because it's unsettled at its current situation!!

We are social animals and we need a society.. But more than a society, we have been trained to have a certain person whom we put on a pedestal to be with us through thick and thin!! It may last for few, some may live with it, some may struggle with it and some maybe tired of it!! 

There's a lot of reason why people work on a relationship.. The fear of being alone shouldn't be the reason to be in one though!! When you know deep inside that the relationship feels like a struggle, when you know that the feeling of security, comfort, love isn't there anymore (and you definitely deserve it), it's time to take the final bow.. 

Relationship isn't all giggles and fun.. Its also struggles and fights.. Its the feeling of comfort to be yourself, to share your deepest thoughts, hidden fears, expose your vulnerability, show that devil out (nobody can hide their demons for too long) and yet have that feeling of security that despite the fights, despite the tears, despite the anger, you still find a way with each other..

You shouldn't make "efforts" to make a relationship work.. As rightly corrected, when you feel you're putting efforts, you've already made it feel like a chore.. It should come from within that you do a little bit extra for that special someone to make them realize that they indeed are special!! 

That feeling of loneliness, missing that "someone special" shouldn't be the reason why we end up settling for whoever we meet or settle back into familiarity!! One thing that loneliness does teach is to finally be comfortable with yourself.. Unless and until you enjoy your own company, you cannot be a good company to another person!!!

Its OK to be scared, its OK to be sad.. It just proves you're doing something that many may not.. Some days are fun and the lows after that is depressing!! But you've got what it takes to sail through it.. Sprinkle some joy on your way, sprinkle some love on your way, watch your world unfurl into something beautiful since you didn't just settle for your life but instead you created yours!!!

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