Sunday, 4 June 2023

About myself

Well, the task given me was to introduce myself in a para to welcome me to the official group!! That’s when I began to wonder who exactly I am!!

I know the typical one minute elevator pitch i perfected during the one year of PG life and I can recite it without a second thought!! But beyond the muscle memory, the conscious thought took a hold today!! 

I’m a person that has evolved with a personality which has been influenced by all the people that have passed through my life!! Every time I listen to a few songs or artists, I remember the person that has introduced them to me!! Food habits of mine are influenced by the people I’ve been with, ordering a plate of nachos reminds me of my bestie that made loaded nachos a regular bite!! My habits, my thoughts, my beliefs are influenced by the people that raised me and the people I’m around!! My beliefs are challenged at times which makes me change it when I feel I’m wrong!! My parenting style keeps changing based on situation and what I have come across as something I should incorporate!!

I’m a constant work in progress, someone that is different from the person I was a decade ago, someone that is different from the person I will be a decade hence!! I have become better in many areas, become adamant in some, become worse in some, but it’s a constant process!! People still rub their music, food, places preferences on me and I adapt to it without a second thought!! People don't always stay for a lifetime but their influence becomes a part of you that stays with you for long!! And certain times you recognise the habits you've picked up from others, fondly remember the person and quietly move on with your life, or drop in a message to the person and connect with them if you're still in touch!! 

So who am I? I am a person that has become who I am by the influence of the people, situations and choices that has passed by, and I am proud of the person I am constantly growing into!!


  1. Awesome ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thankyou so much, means a lot ♥️♥️♥️ B

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Berin ♥️♥️♥️ B

  3. 😘u are an amazing person beens … very much strong and talented one… never lose hope and never let go of your passion.. love u always ..

    1. Thankyou so much ♥️♥️♥️


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