Sunday, 24 September 2023

Life of a single mom

Not every single parent is a single parent by choice, it’s the toughest decision one makes in their life weighing the cost of having a parent removed off their child’s life against raising a happy child!! Everyday you doubt yourself if your decision is right or not, everyday you ponder if your child is having the best life s/he could have had!! 

It’s the exhaustion of doing it all, it is the pressure of being perfect, it’s is the guilt of having permanently scarred your child, it’s the motivation to do the best for your child!! It’s a lot of feelings all crumpled inside a human that can at times pull you down!!

It’s the feeing of helplessness knowing that your kid had to mature long before than what he should have!! It’s the pain you see on your kids face when he sees other kids around with two parents while you can only remind yourself that a single happy parent is better than two unhappy ones!!

It’s the guilt of not doing it all because it’s humanly impossible to do it all by yourself!! It’s providing for the family, nurturing the kid, keeping tab on routines, deadlines, exams, studies, activities, birthdays, finding your me time, finding “us” time and everything that come along and waking up next day to resume the same!!

It’s the guilt of taking a break from work to attend to the domestic chores or the guilt of allocating domestic chores to someone else bcz you can’t take a break at work!!

Life is full of guilts and letting go of the need to do it all.. But one thing I don’t feel anymore is “regret” because I know my kid wouldn’t have had a life any better if this wasn’t the path I chose!! 

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