Monday, 15 April 2024

Single parent

You’ve got to be the fun parent!!
You’ve also got to be the strict one!!

You’ve got to be there for all the events!!
You’ve to also go out there to provide!!

You’ve to also spoil them!!
You’ve to also raise them right!!

You’ve to make life fun and convenient!!
You’ve to also make time for yourself!!

And all this while you’ve to take care of yourself and the kiddo!! 

The guilt of ordering in almost every weekend because you’re exhausted from the week that passed!!

The lack of attention to the kid’s academic since you have no bandwidth at the end of the day to catch up..

The half hearted project submissions since there’s no time on cards to do a sincere complete one!!

The pain deep inside knowing you can’t do it all by yourself!!

The motivation to do “just a bit more” in order to make life a bit easier for us!!

The fear of not being adequate enough!!

And living with this heap of emotions all at once is what makes a single parent!!!

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