Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Diary of a mother

Life as a mother is a trip down the memory lane where I, instead of being the naughty person, have to be the mature one.. N these growing up years taught me why did my mom laugh through anger or get angry while laughing!!!

So my kid, just like his mother, is very fascinated by water.. He loves it as long as its not running over his head (again, the same trait as yours truly).. The fellow is found in the bathroom spraying the wall and ceiling with water whenever he gets a chance.. The others don't realize what I do.. The water beads are so mesmerising and having them all over looks so beautiful.. But being on the other side of the table, I'm the one who has to clean up after him.. How can I not be amused and annoyed just at the same time?

The fellow, just like his mother, has a weird habit of sliding down the bed.. What's weird is that both of us slide with our heads sliding first while facing the ceiling.. Midway through the slide, both of us call our moms who rushes to catch us lest we bang our heads down.. Just when our moms turns her back, it's tried again.. I did it over two decades ago, my son does it now.. I slid and screamt then, I rush to frantic screams Now.. I agree, I enjoyed doing that and it's still a fond memory.. But rushing to get my kid up a million times daily gets on the nerves.. How can I not be amused and annoyed at the same time??

I know this fellow is my replica where we both do the same things.. I and my mom keep looking at each other and bursting into laughter seeing him knowing that's exactly what I did back in my time.. I've heard that parenting is a journey where you reprimand the kid for behaving just like you.. I never knew how precise it was until I scolded him for refusing to eat when I too used to be scolded by my mom for the same reason.. And the looks of my mom was sufficient to tell me, "I told you so.. You'll understand when you'll become a mother."

I love my parents to bits, I always have.. But after my son, I realised the only love that's genuine, pure and selfless is the love a mother/parent has for their kids.. After having loved Joshua, I realized that I have never loved my parents as genuinely and as selflessly as I've loved my son.. Similarly, my son who loves me to the core will at some point grow distant and his genuine love will be for the kid..

At that time, if I live long enough, I'll explain him why a parents love is "Agape", a love beyond "Always", a love beyond Nicholas Sparks OR John Green, a love beyond words.. A love that gives a new meaning, a new strength, a new joy, a new hope, a new opportunity and a new beginning..
Or maybe I wouldn't have to tell him, he'll just know, just like his mom!!

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