Friday, 29 May 2020

Stand Up for yourself

Women today are beaten, physically and mentally abused.. When a woman makes the decision of walking out of such a relationship, the whole society convinces her to stay and make it work.. It is the unwritten rule that a woman should adjust and compromise.. A woman Can and should endure, someday everything will turn out well.. 

There are women killed by the men they promised to share their lives with.. They are hung, burnt or bitten by snakes!!! And in cases where they are not killed, they are tortured and manipulated to push them into suicide.. And after a woman is dead, the same society says that she should have spoken about it and got out of it alive, nothings worth more than your life!!

So when you hear about someone with a broken marriage, don't jump into conclusion without knowing the story.. If you can't extend your words of support, don't demean or destroy them!!

Wishing you strength to get out of it!!

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