Monday, 4 May 2020

Pyjamas are forgiving, the rest of the wardrobe isn't!!

Precisely 21+19+... days of lockdown.. So many extension that keeping a track of it has become difficult.. People who believe that lockdown will end on May 17th : 2 minute of silence for their naïveté!!

We all have wished for extended weekends and to spend quality time with our families, our wishes came true.. Although my idea of it was to enjoy a summer holidays at some cooler place with the family, an air conditioned room with the family is a makeshift holiday.. Work from home and kid's studies to manage makes me want to go back to the Pre corona era.. But now, the house is so much cleaner: thanks to my parents slogging it out, cleaning from top to bottom, every nook and corner.. Lower sneezes due to dust allergies attest to it!! Many thanks to the colleague of mine who gifted me a 2020 planner as a Christmas gift- except for 29th Feb, I can use it for the next year..

One thing I have loved about the lock down is not needing to dress up.. Two months without hot wax burning my skin or threads pulling out hair: so much to endure to fit the beauty standards of society !!(Also for hygiene and being presentable)

I am gladly spending my time at home with just 3-4 pairs of tracks and t's.. Comfort matters.. Me, like all others, wear a Formal enough top for a zoom call, who cares what is my bottom wear with that!! But recently when I wore my pair of jeans to remind myself what it felt like to dress up, I realized that my pants were accommodating my growing body but my jeans was mocking me!! 

Two months of almost no activity besides walking few steps to and from the laptop thanks to not working on bed, this is what has become.. I regret not paying heed to my friend who kept urging me and challenging me to some or the other form of physical activity, from push ups to squats to skipping to playing with my kid.. I just nodded and went back to work and Netflix (even amazon prime and borrowed hotstar).. Now I know why Twinkle Khanna named her book "Pajamas are forgiving". The delivery of the copy got stalled by amazon since it doesn't come in the essential goods and my order wasn't completed before lockdown came into effect.. 

I felt bad that the moms in my child's school group, men and women, young and old all over my Facebook and insta are all into making yummy food day in and day out while I am growing fat just drooling over the pics.. Does it motivate me to sweat it out: YES, definitely!! Am I starting today : ye, na, maybe next week.. This lockdown will be extended anyway so I still have some time right.. Nonetheless, I do sweat.. So What if that bead of sweat trickling over my forehead or my back has got nothing to do with me doing any activity, I am sitting without an ac and sweating it.. Sweating matters right!! To each their own... For me, maybe the next extension will let me know when I should start my physical activity, Monday is here and time to get back to WFH!!


Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...