Friday, 1 May 2020

Celebration during lockdown

Officially Mumbai rather India went on a lockdown on 21st of March.. Imagine my discontent of turning 29 in three days but unable to have the celebration or friends!!! I had bought my birthday dress and accessories weeks ago, thats the usual practice.. Well, two sets to be precise, wanted to try out different looks.. Birthdays have been exciting for me, life is to be celebrated right!!!

Anyway, coming to the 29th birthday, I definitely had the only plan of a cake cut at work and then going out with family on 24th and friends on 25th.. Thats how detailed I had planned it.. But some tiny virus has disrupted not just my birthday plans but the entire world plans and causing lakhs of deaths.. I shouldn't crib about celebrating life, many lost theirs for this reason.. 

No, not going in that direction but just a moment of gratitude for those who tirelessly toil to keep all of us safe without having the liberty to be selfish and protect themselves instead.. Also a moment of gratitude for being safe and having the privilege of being able to stay home for months and Still able to sustain ourselves.. We are blessed beyond measures..

Back to my Birthday, well, I thought swiggy or zomato will come to the rescue and I can have at least a cake, any cake, on my birthday.. Nope, they didnt come with zero contact delivery at the onset you see.. Some friends suggested, hey bake yourself a cake instead.. Yup, how hard can it be!! I had lost my excitement hearing the lockdown but my son couldn't slow down.. He was excited on 23rd itself.. When my son and friends had a group call at midnight he asked them to keep the phone so that morning comes and it will be mumma's birthday.. God bless you my naive cute soul!!

Not having a cake disheartened the kiddo.. So I thought I'll bake one.. I realized that unlike what these chefs says - baking with what you already have: I don't have the basic ingredients to bake a cake available in the house..  So, supermarket to the rescue.. Immediately drew up a list of things I need and rushed downstairs to find myself standing in a serpentine queue.. Ten minutes and a staff comes over and says times up and they have already asked people to leave.. Only those whose lists were already collected will be provided with things.. Some pleading and the advantage of being in the same building and a regular customer (also dad being a friend with the owner uncle) helped and he agreed to give me my supplies... Fifteen minutes later I've got a bag full of stuffs back home.. He already had informed that quite few things were unavailable from my list!! Guess my shock when the things those were unavailable were the ingredients for the cake.. 

Anyway long story short, I didnt have a cake this year.. Looking back, I didnt have one last year either.. It didnt stop me from turning old.. I did turn 29, I do spot some whites, I still am stupid.. Well, cakes and celebration isn't a necessity to grow up or old.. But yes, that's a reminder to celebrate being alive.. This quarantine is a reminder that life is short and being alive Is a reason for celebration.. But you don't need grand celebrations at all, its a luxury that we have been fortunate enough to enjoy.. 

I had my celebration with the people that matter the most.. My parents, my son, my sister and brother (in-law), my cousins and friends.. All are apart yet they connected with me to remind me that I matter to them and I am loved.. That's the assertion we require and I found it in my quiet and sweet birthday.. 

Well, now to plan my Kiddo's day - yayyyy, I'm so excited he's turning 5 this month!!!


  1. Wow, that was beautifully put. Moreover Happy Birthday 🤗🤗🤗


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