Monday, 7 December 2020


Where is the tolerance today??

Tolerance towards people having different beliefs than ours??
Tolerance towards people having different religion than ours??

Tolerance towards people wanting different things than us??
Tolerance towards people who have different sexual orientation than us??

Tolerance towards people having different political thoughts than us??
Tolerance towards people having different ideology in life than us??

Tolerance towards people having different food preference than ours??
Tolerance towards people having different dressing sense than ours??

What exactly is this tolerance that we lack today??

Tolerance refers to the ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.

In this fast paced society where people want everything at the click of a finger, patience is getting lost.. And along with losing patience, one thing that the generation now is losing and what we essentially need to sustain peacefully is "Tolerance"

We cannot have any world where all the people agree on just one common thing.. People have their unique mindset which makes every human and their thoughts as unique as them.. You may find someone whose choices meet yours in somethings but never in everything!! So why can't we have a world where we can live our life nearby someone whose choices are different?? If you want them to be like you and they want you to be like them, then where would there be cordial relations??

The problem we see today is that everyone has a voice and everyone makes it heard out there in the social media world.. But that is just filling the world with hate if you don't see it.. It is so convenient to sit at home and hurl abuses at someone and have them abuse you back, get instigated and give back more.. Then comes people who take up sides and continue it!! Do you realize how much hatred it is adding into this world?? People all over are being poisoned with hatred because few people disagreed with each other and that spreads all around, many thanks to technology..

These are the foundation for many out there to form mobs that ends up killing another just because they aren't following the choices of the mob!! Technology and Internet can be a boon but if you choose to treat it in that manner.. Yes, you need to have an opinion and abide by it.. Doesn't mean you disregard the other's differing opinion.. Be open to them, maybe there will be something for you to learn more.. Most of us are deluded by blind belief and half baked knowledge assimilated from around.. Listening to others may give you more clarification or maybe open your eyes to the ignorance!! You don't need to accept another person's opinions if it doesn't resonate with you, but you can choose to ignore it and live with yours.. 

In this world where criticism leads to public name shame, we need to accept that there are people with different choices and thoughts.. The diversity makes the world beautiful.. And one needs to accept that just because you believe in someone or some ideology, everything about it isn't right.. There may be flaws and the criticism should be taken in the right sense to help growth!! Unless we open our eyes and minds, there's no scope for growth!! 

If the youths of today doesn't emulate tolerance, what world are we setting for the future?? We are the future, let us bear the torch to shoo away the darkness of ignorance and bring about the wave of tolerance.. After all, we've always been taught "Live and let live"!!

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