Saturday 20 July 2024


I still have a packet of coffee always in the pantry despite never making coffee for myself at home!! All because you always needed a cup of coffee in the morning!!

I still don’t wear a white legging unless I wear it with an uncut kurta because you disapproved it otherwise!!

I still have my butter chakli dipped with schezwan because you got me hooked to it!!

I still sing out loud to Bryan Adams because you and I used to share the music!!

I still weigh myself every morning as a part of habit you n I started..

I still look forward to the long weekends even if you and I don’t make plans to meet anymore.. 

When I see you, I still remember those good old days when we were young before remembering the dread you made my life to be!!

Every year on my birthday, I remember you getting me a cake because that small gesture of yours made me feel so happy!!

I still sing “Love story” and end with a glisten in my eyes, it was a special song for us after all!!

I still keep replacing my fighter fishes and plants because those were a big part of our conversation..

You still are a part of the “good morning” text daily, so much so that I look forward to it!!

You’re still the one I almost end sending my lift pictures on the days I feel good looking at myself in the mirror!!

I still, deep within me, hope you realise how much I loved you and what exactly you miss without me!!

You’re still the one I feel like calling at the end of the day when I just want someone to talk to!! (And the call I refrain from making)

You have been an inevitable part of my journey, some good memories, some habits that still lasts, some breakups that broke me!! But the “you”s are unforgettable.. 


  1. The beauty in that pain is why we get hooked.

    I hope someday someone will create new such memories till the end.

    A reason for smile,
    A reason for a Lil blush, for those butterfly feelings.

    1. I do hope on that too!! But with time, the hope is fading, to an extent I don’t feel it much anymore!!

  2. It's called a "LIFE".....Feelings are precious, to understand them is very difficult


Those “Heavy” Thoughts

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