Sunday, 8 December 2024

Being happily married

People say the fizz dies out in a few months!! Life becomes all about chores and routines!! What else would one talk to the person that knows every bit of you, understands every move of your expression, can complete your thoughts! 

But then I see my parents, when they are towns apart!! How my dad comes home after a long and busy day and casually says, haven’t spoken to my wife today!! How my mom leaves voice notes “I’m leaving for church, don’t have my phone on me” and two hours later “I’ve reached back home”.. They call each other multiple times a day, maybe to talk routines but they do make it a point to check on the other..

They still care despite the 36+ years of marriage.. they still have arguments, they still have differences of opinion, they still tolerate a lot of things about the other, they still adjust to each others choices and routines, and they still have each others backs!! They still worry about the other, they still care for each other, they still support the other!! They are the proof that love might not be the same expression as it was in the early months!! But love stays and the fact that they both long to just get the few minutes with the other proves that happy marriage isn’t a myth, it’s a reality that two people who put efforts wins!! 

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Those “Heavy” Thoughts

While travelling the 14km one way ride to n from work on a daily basis, I seldom see women riders..It’s almost always women pillions.. And they feel so comfortable being a pillion than taking up the stress of riding!!

Well that’s a metaphor that most of the women have the privilege of having someone run the house or atleast share the load with!! 

What people don’t realise is that no matter how independent a woman is, she feels a sense of security when she has someone to count on!! Maybe other women don’t, but I definitely know how secure and how motivated I feel when I know someone’s got my back!!

I wanted to go home to my parents for the weekend which sadly didn’t happen since I couldn’t make arrangements for my son.. n I wished, had I had a partner, I could entrust my son n leave..

Had I had a partner, I’d have someone to come home to n vent out about the craziness of the day!!

Had I had a partner, I’d feel taken care of!!

Had I had a partner, I’d feel safe!!

Had I had a partner, I could ask for a hug!!

Had I had a partner, my cortisol n anxiety levels would be in control!!

Had I had a partner, we could joke about absolute nothings or just go around the city on a whim!!

Well, I did have a partner, for over half a decade n those things happened too seldom so maybe it wouldn’t be different even if I had a partner!!

And everytime a lid don’t open or the electrical appliance acts funny or there’s some plumbing issue or my scooter breaks down or has a flat tyre, I don’t have anyone but myself to call up on to get it fixed!! And as liberating as it feels, it also brings about a pang of pain, I wished I had someone to share the mundane!!

Well, life goes on!! N it’s just another downward spiral of thought!! It’s gonna be a better day tomorrow with a more happier thought!!

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

The five lessons from “The five People you meet in Heaven”

Started out with “Tuesdays with Morrie” since the book looked like an easy read!! And also because many people recommended it; rightly so!!

So a friend recommended to check out “The five people you meet in heaven” and I’m glad she did!! Being a fiction fan, I can never make myself read about life lessons as written by most authors.. feels like a dry read though the lessons are good!! But Mitch Albom weaves it with a story plot which makes the read easy and intriguing!!

Coming back to the book, spoiler alert for the ones interested to read the book, it is the story of a man named Eddie and his encounter with Heaven!! Written beautifully and through alternates of different timelines, it teaches many wonderful lessons about life, especially the reminder of the fact that life is fleeting and we must live each day without remorse and regret!! Also, rightly said, it’s not that “we live only once!! We die only once, we live each moment, so make them count”!!

So as the title speaks, since the story revolves around people you meet in heaven, it starts with the backdrop about Eddie and builds up to hud death..

So as per the story, Eddie wakes up in heaven and is informed that he will be meeting five people on his journey to the eternal life.. the first person he meets is a person he’s met in his childhood but doesn’t really know him.. to cut the story short, he teaches Eddie the valuable lesson that our actions cause a ripple effect, and our actions impact many other lives in ways beyond our comprehension!!

The second person he encounters is his Captain from his time in the military.. Although the captain discloses him a truth that fills him with angst, he also learns a valuable lesson from him that many of the things we enjoy are due to the sacrifices of others and we don’t even realise it!!

The third person that he encounters is a stranger!! She’s the teacher that guides him to the reality that every villain has some redemption arc.. also, keeping grudges does no good!! We spend our whole life hating someone!! It’s lighter on ourselves to let go of the grudge, it just overweighs ourselves!! He hated someone his whole life but the third person helped him see the unseen side of the person which helped him have a different perspective and help him let go of the grudge!!

The fourth person is his beloved, she reminded him that love is still present whether or not they’re physically around!! When you genuinely love someone, the feeling never dies!!

The fifth person was the reason of guilt for all his life, she reminded him that he’s already lived his entire life redeeming himself for his mistake!! We generally beat ourselves with guilt, but more often than not, we’ve carried that guilt far longer than we need to!! And it’s never too late to mend ways n redeem yourself of your mistakes!! We need to learn to forgive ourselves, that’s the most challenging task we generally face!

A short 200 pages book which is barely a half day read and one that ensures you don’t put it down until you’ve completed it!! Worth the read, worth the reminders!! Hopefully some bibliophile finds the review intriguing enough to pick the book too!!

Saturday, 20 July 2024

The “Miss Independent”

Man is a social being; and is not designed to spend their life alone!! So imagine being alone and the realisation dawning that this status quo is here to stay!!

Well, I didn’t set out to be alone!! There are days I hoped I could have someone to have my back, someone as my back up!! But I’m immediately reminded of that someone that had my back supposedly but reminded me each moment of the favour he confers by taking care of me and our son!!

So, now, by Gods grace, am in a position where I can fend for myself.. I don’t need anyone to run the errands, don’t have to ask anyone permission to buy me something, can afford to go on those impulse spendings on books, cute nothings or tattoos without too much of a thought!! Can plan trips based on my son’s vacations, without answering a plethora of questions to anyone!! Can eat out, go for movies on whims!! Can spend the weekend in any manner that pleases me!! Can buy the healthier version of things despite it being the expensive one!! Can do things without second thought of financing it (also, I do know my limits so I don’t spend more than what I’ve accounted for! And I also do keep aside a portion for these impulse buyings and lending so that my routines aren’t gone for a toss)!! It feels so much relief to not worry too much of the expenses when there’s a salary inflow assured at the end of the month..

And after the years of toiling hard enough to reach this position, and after those feelings of loneliness subsiding to a great extent, I don’t feel that comfort anymore to lose this found independence for anyone.. I don’t think I can go back to asking permission for anything.. I doubt if I can trust anyone else with our lives because I’m sure they will bring up the topic of how much they’ve to do for us!! 

So the reason why you should choose to be settled in the early years in because you can easily adapt to a life with someone!! Because once you’ve tasted independence, once you’ve learnt to have a life by yourself, you would prefer to live with the loneliness over the repeated pain of heartbreak!!


I still have a packet of coffee always in the pantry despite never making coffee for myself at home!! All because you always needed a cup of coffee in the morning!!

I still don’t wear a white legging unless I wear it with an uncut kurta because you disapproved it otherwise!!

I still have my butter chakli dipped with schezwan because you got me hooked to it!!

I still sing out loud to Bryan Adams because you and I used to share the music!!

I still weigh myself every morning as a part of habit you n I started..

I still look forward to the long weekends even if you and I don’t make plans to meet anymore.. 

When I see you, I still remember those good old days when we were young before remembering the dread you made my life to be!!

Every year on my birthday, I remember you getting me a cake because that small gesture of yours made me feel so happy!!

I still sing “Love story” and end with a glisten in my eyes, it was a special song for us after all!!

I still keep replacing my fighter fishes and plants because those were a big part of our conversation..

You still are a part of the “good morning” text daily, so much so that I look forward to it!!

You’re still the one I almost end sending my lift pictures on the days I feel good looking at myself in the mirror!!

I still, deep within me, hope you realise how much I loved you and what exactly you miss without me!!

You’re still the one I feel like calling at the end of the day when I just want someone to talk to!! (And the call I refrain from making)

You have been an inevitable part of my journey, some good memories, some habits that still lasts, some breakups that broke me!! But the “you”s are unforgettable.. 

Monday, 17 June 2024

Celebrating “dad”

In a world where people can’t wait to be a father, there are very few that stands up and becomes a dad!!

Many just fulfils their obligation toward fatherhood by giving 10k and visiting twice a month!! 

But then there are people that make their child/ren their priority!! They know how to care, how to provide, how to be there!!

They think about their kid every moment of every day; strive to do better for their offspring!! They worry for them each day!! Make them their priority!!

They’d be there as your backup!! They’d be there to protect!! They’d be there to care!! They’d be there to lead!! They’d be there to guide!! 

They’d be there when you need them because they’re always there!! They’re not there when it’s convenient, they’re there because they choose to!!

Even as an adult, despite being independent and by myself for a decent part of adulthood now, despite having a few self help tips handy, he still makes it a point to come over often to help me fix the errands in the house!! He comes over and suddenly the choke up in the tap is cleaned, the basics of the house is fixed and running, I’ve got “hot” food on the table bcz he’s heated it up for the lazy bum who eats it cold!! From talking investment to talking  about how I should raise monkeys that visits our window; I know I can still count on him any moment I find anything difficult!!

Elder daughters and dads have a very special love hate relationship!! He loves me more than anything and anyone on earth (my pride and the factor to irritate my sister)!! But he hates my audacity and the fact that I’m just as tempered and adamant as him!! But he’s definitely around to see me be more independent and does everything in his power to ensure I don’t need him!!

But alas, he doesn’t know, a child always “ALWAYS” needs the dad!! And especially when you’ve got a good one, you always know, you’ve got someone to count on when you’re in need!! Rather, he ensures you’re never ever in “need” of him!!

Saturday, 8 June 2024

The “eulogy” I’d like to hear

We all hear great things about the people that has passed!! We hear praises about how gem of a person they were!! How loving and kind they were!! How their presence made things better!! 

But sadly “they” aren’t here to hear it anymore!! Maybe it’s just the societal way of reminding loved ones of how much a good person the deceased was!!

But sometimes I wished I could hear my eulogy!! Just to know what my friends and folks have to speak about me!!

There are days where I’m filled with self doubt!! There are days when I convince myself I’m just not worthy!! And those are the days I wished someone would just tell me “I’m good enough” or “I am sufficient”!!

I know, I know!! I have enough self love that tells me not to be worried by how the world perceives me!! I know I’m a good person and I intentionally mean no harm to anyone!! So I don’t doubt my worth!! But some times I just wanna have someone say it loud if I make their life any better in any way!! It’s just good to hear it!!

That’s what Augustus did in “Fault in our stars”!! It’s good to hear the last words from your closest ones about how better your presence made their life a bit more better!!
Id like to know if I was a friend good enough for you to share your burdens with me as much as I enjoyed cheering you on your happiest moments!! I wanna know if I was a good Co worker enough for we spent most of our waking hours cribbing, laughing and teaming up to get the work done!! I wanna hear that I was a good sibling enough, that you knew how I loved and cared for you and would do anything in my capacity to protect you!! I wanna hear, just once more (and it’s never enough no matter how many times he tells me) that I’ve been a good mom and have done everything in my power to be a good one!! I just wanna hear my parents how proud they’re of me!!

Well it just feels good when someone notices and appreciates that small little things about you, and without even realising, they just paste a big wide smile on your face!!

Why do we wait for someone to pass on to praise them? Why don’t we appreciate what we already have and realise that every moment we get with our loved ones is precious and not wait for that to pass to appreciate what we had??

So make it a point to notice the good in people and point them out too, you never know, it could end up being the “happiest moment” of their day!! And for me, I’m gonna ask my friends to pen me down a eulogy so that I can bookmark it to serve me as a reminder that I do something good in this world!!

Thursday, 16 May 2024

To have loved and lost

People always wonder “Is it better to have loved and lost than having never loved at all?”

Well, I have been in love, in more than one occasion in my life and that probably gives me an insight given my overthinking on the subject!!

The first love happened at 19.. All I set out was with the fantasy of love!! I just imagined a life straight out of the multitudes of novels I’d drowned myself in!! So I poured it all!! Falling in love with my best friend was all I ever wanted and it happened!! So much so that I had my fairy tale wedding with the man I had fallen in love with!! It was beautiful until reality struck in!! But it was naive and innocent and true in every sense!! I felt butterflies with him!! He would make me laugh and I would laugh whole heartedly as I never had known heart wrenching pain before him!! It was sweet, innocent and the purest love I had experienced in my life!!

Well, it unfortunately didn’t last and had the most painful ending, the aftermath of it still lingering even after half decade of it ending!!

Well, obviously then the heart gets cautious of the people it will let inside after that!! But loneliness coupled with “hope” sometimes makes you do things and getting on to the online platform felt like a sensible decision!! And obviously after months of chatting with a bunch of people, I found the “male” version of me (well to a great extent)!! A kind, innocent, full of life and wearing heart on his shoulders, he patiently waited and made me comfortable enough to let my guards down!! I finally had someone care for me, show concern, reach out to me, have my back!! Well, I couldn’t have been more happier than when I was with him!! I finally began to laugh as I used to!! I began doing things I really had enjoyed!! I felt supported, I was guided, I finally had someone to have any mundane conversation with, someone to wish me a “good morning”, someone to check on me, someone who learnt about me each day and made my fantasy a reality!! Well, I lived a dream with him!!
Sadly, not all good things last and this ran its course!!

But I still am reminded of the fact that I had been loved right, and loved deeply, if only for a short while!! And it’s a bliss!! I remember him fondly!! 

Love happened in its own time, it was good and the good times were worth remembering!! And I wish those exes of mine the best because once you have genuinely loved someone, you can never wish anything bad, no matter how they might have hurt you!! Sometimes the pain of loss is too gripping and I wished I hadn’t fallen in love so hard, well, falling in love is never in your control and I can never love half hearted!! So the pain is bound to follow!! But those days when I felt alive, safe and happy is totally worth it!!

It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all!! Because those moments are memories that reminds you the beauty of life and how it feels to be alive!! And I’m sure someday that love will knock the doors again, maybe this time to stay longer!! But yes, I’ve experienced love in my late teens and early thirties, both were different but both of them has changed me for the better and I wouldn’t want to change anything of it!! Don’t let love slip away, people spend a lifetime searching for it, so once you’ve found it, make efforts to keep it!!

Monday, 6 May 2024


Home is the place you feel safe and comfortable the most!!

The place you can be yourself and not have to have any pretence or mask on!!

It’s the place you come back to, the place you rest!!

It’s the place you find peace!!

And no matter how much you try to make a space your home, there seems something amiss when the comfort and security goes missing!!

No matter how you decorate or what renovation project you undertake, a place can never truly be your home unless you find peace in those four walls!!

People say that you can’t sleep in a new place because it’s an unfamiliar place.. imagine that feeling of unfamiliarity in the place you’ve stayed for decades!!

Then where do you turn to?? Whom do you run to?? When your “home” doesn’t feel like “home” anymore..

Where the place just fills you up with grief and the loneliness haunts you?

Where the place just brings you to the reality of how alone you truly are!!

The place becomes the nightmare you want to numb yourself off!!

The place reeked of laughter and life but now it somehow just got quieter.. 

All because the reason I return home everyday is missing for a few days!!

My home is the person that makes me feel complete, gives me a reason to return, shares strength and brings a smile!! He gives me peace!! His presence gives me fulfilment!! 

And it’s saddening that a 9 year old burdens the responsibility of being the “home” for his mom!!

Monday, 29 April 2024

The cost of “Being strong”

When life puts you to a challenge, you either crumple or get strong to overcome it!!

But you have to pay a life term price for that strength you develop!!

“Resilience” becomes your personality and you are no longer fazed by any challenge because you learn you can overcome it!!

However, it also brings about a huge set of walls that you end up building around yourself as a defence mechanism..

You no longer need anyone because you’ve learnt to only depend on yourself..

The price you pay for this is not having anyone check in on you because you surely haven’t needed anyone!!

It brings along with it an array of emotional challenges too!! PTSD is your arm candy that doesn’t let you overcome what you’ve been through no matter how “healed” you are!! At the onset of a repeat incident, the body automatically drags itself down to the last time it experienced the same emotions and forgets all the healing journey you’ve been through!!

Along comes anxiety as there’s a constant vigil to protect yourself.. it brings its best friend named “overthinking” and convinces your head to make up all the remote possibilities so that you are prepared for anything that comes your way!!

And with all these things there’s the tinge of depression that is always ready to make its appearance when something seems a bit downhill.. and it has such wonderful capacity to build a mountain of a mole hill and ensure you’re crashed!! And it’s friend, anxiety and insomnia, joins hands in tandem in the mission!!

But the upside of the strength is that Resilience ensures you show up back to accomplish your tasks because you have no other choice and also because you cannot make yourself weak anymore!! This results in the complexities of “high functioning depression and anxiety” that ensures you function in the daily life but the insides of you are slowly eroded!! From feeling a lot to feeling nothing, they ensure you’re hollow from the inside!!

But then some friends genuinely put efforts and show up and they end up filling that void and bringing that happiness!! But the price you pay for being strong is that you do not have many of those friends in your life either!!

Over all, you end up having a strong  aura but a plethora of things to fight within yourself to remain strong!!

Monday, 15 April 2024

Single parent

You’ve got to be the fun parent!!
You’ve also got to be the strict one!!

You’ve got to be there for all the events!!
You’ve to also go out there to provide!!

You’ve to also spoil them!!
You’ve to also raise them right!!

You’ve to make life fun and convenient!!
You’ve to also make time for yourself!!

And all this while you’ve to take care of yourself and the kiddo!! 

The guilt of ordering in almost every weekend because you’re exhausted from the week that passed!!

The lack of attention to the kid’s academic since you have no bandwidth at the end of the day to catch up..

The half hearted project submissions since there’s no time on cards to do a sincere complete one!!

The pain deep inside knowing you can’t do it all by yourself!!

The motivation to do “just a bit more” in order to make life a bit easier for us!!

The fear of not being adequate enough!!

And living with this heap of emotions all at once is what makes a single parent!!!

Monday, 1 April 2024


In those long hours of night when I can’t catch a wink, I wished I could call up on someone to just vent it out!!

In those days when I’m elated, I just wanna celebrate it with someone!!

When the day is exhausting, I just want to curl up and have someone to pamper me!!

When the long weekends arrive, I just want to have someone to make plans with!!

When I’m in my wits end and I can’t think straight, I just need someone to calm me down!!

When I’m overwhelmed with all the talks that never stops inside my head, I just want someone to hug me close so that the chatter quietens atleast for a bit!!

It’s just the basic need but it feels good to have someone just know that you’re alive and you’re going on about your day!!

It’s just the basic need to have someone have your back!!

And yes I do, before all the “you’ve got friends” thing, I do have very close friends that do these things for me!!

But sometimes, you just want to have “your” person, a go to person that could be there!!

And then with years you begin to be fine by yourself enough to not look for anyone because everytime you felt someone could be there, they end up breaking your heart again!! And the heart learns to protect itself by shutting off people so that nobody can hurt you again!!

And then again those long hours of night happens when you can’t catch a wink; and the heart hopes to have “someone”!!

Sunday, 10 March 2024


While growing up, we didn’t travel much except back and forth from Mumbai to Kerala during the summer vacations.. the only good thing about it was all of us cousins being there at the same time so that was frolic.. I used to spend the entire vacation on borrowed comics from neighbors and books I bought during the train ride..

But beyond that, we’ve had a couple of trips through Goa where I was introduced to the beaches and fell in love instantaneously.. But yeah, it’s even more memorable because I ended up losing an earring and a chain each on those trips during the beach dips..

But after ages of nagging and complaining, dad finally made up for those missed trips by taking us all to Europe!! A good 2 week, 10 countries trip and I ticked off most of the things I have wanted to see!! From dressing up for Eiffel to walking the pavements at Venice to celebrating the kids birthday at Pisa to playing in snow at Swiss, tulip gardens at Holland, Swarovski factory, cruise ride, seeing the pope at Vatican and seeing the roman structures, enjoying a Belgian waffle along with drive through Germany n Austria!! That was a beautiful trip with amazing memories!! Although the highlight for me would be rummaging through the streets in the hopes to spot a McD or KFC since my then 3 year old was tired of the Anglised Indian meal..

Then other priorities set in and covid happened so travel was on the back foot until the friends of mine ditched the usual Goa for a trip to Aurangabad and that’s when it brought of the wanderlust in me.. again, I didn’t plan anything just went with the flow!! Thoroughly enjoyed the sightseeing and the company even more!! Ended 2022 with a decision to travel more!! 

And lo, the first trip of 2023 was spontaneous because it was a long weekend and a friend at Bangalore casually told to drop by and I didn’t think twice before booking the tickets and showing up at her place!! And the kind hostess she is, she and her husband entertained us and took us around!!

The next one again was a quick decision since it was a solo trip to Mysore to meet a friend and he took me through the historic city of Mysore and showed Tipu Sultan reign and the magnificent Mysore palace.. inspired by that, had a two day trip in Mumbai too to cover the iconic places.. 

The year ended with finally exploring my own state of Kerala.. travelled to different cities, saw some famous landmarks, witnessed the beauty of nature at Munnar, found the beauty in Kochi.. 

The resolution of 2024 included travelling more so ended up with a trip to kerala for a family event and going for a touristy boat ride which is a must do.. it’s more of a weekend getaway to be with family but a well deserved break!!

The little planned trip is the one that I just bid adieu to!! Never have I explored north of Mumbai so beginning the year with a visit to the capital city of the country, check off the iconic buildings here, walk through Mughal dynasty and ruins, awe at the Taj and get some cool clicks for the gram, see the Pink city and feel like a royal amongst the beautiful palaces!!

The one thing travel did teach me is that until now, I had someone doing the planning part and that is the most taxing thing!! Planning the schedule, trips, being responsible for the people involved and a bit of fear of being in a new land amongst strangers brings about some internal growth in yourself.. after this trip, I feel like a bit more grown up and responsible person!!

Travel is rightly said to help you discover yourself a bit better and it’s a very liberating feeling to find yourself in a new place and explore new things!! Well, time to save up and plan the next one for the next break!!

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Wake up call

It is just a random conversation that shook my dreams off!!

“Nobody really loves you, they’re with you only because they’re getting something out of it”

Didn’t expect this jolt out of the blue at the trip that was supposed to be rejuvenating!!

It’s the truth, I do have a handful of friends and people that expects nothing from me!! But the world in general is full of people that just wants to take advantage of people!! And being a pushover and “hopeless and desperate for love”, I easily dote on people that shows even just an iota of affection only to be heartbroken sooner than expected!!

I recently came across a reel on Instagram where someone said that the reason why we marry is to have someone witness our life.. one of my favourite songs of Linkin Park is “Leave out all the rest”, it emphasises on the fact that we humans have an innate desire to be remembered, and we hope for a bunch of people in our lives that we’ve touched in a manner that they’ll remember us even if our time here is done.. We desire to remain here even if we are not physically around anymore..

And that’s one of the biggest thing missing in your life when you have been alone for a while, you miss having someone that can share your mundane day with.. there are good days and bad, and happiness doubles or frustration vanishes when you have someone to talk to!!

I understand I do have friends that’s available at a beck and call, but personally it feels like intruding their personal space bombarding them when I wanna share something good or something devastating.. but they’ve stood by me through my 3am calls and hours of wailing over the same thing or celebrating small happiness’..

But yeah there’s a solace in having “your” person that witnesses everything about you, that becomes an integral part of you that they’re pseudo present in everything, they understand references, people that you’re talking about, they know exactly where you are and with whom because despite their absence you keep them updated.. they are that first text in the morning, the last call at night, the updates through the day and sharing stupid meaningless stuff just to remind them that you remember them.. they slowly are an integral part of life and routine!!

As someone asked, is it loneliness or freedom to wake up without someone wishing you a good morning or going to bed without the comfort of a hug and the security of having someone to guard your soul!! Maybe it’s this desperate effort of wanting someone to witness your life that makes people post their routines on social media hoping to leave behind a trail of earthly existence..

Maybe that comfort of feeling safe might never happen, might be the cortisol level is meant to be high at all times.. But I do know that a relationship always ends in heartbreak, either the love dies out or the partner, but being in love brings about unbearable pain at the end to counter the happiness and peace it brings when it sustains.. I understand humans are not designed to be alone and everyone fills the void with something, endless scrolling, screen time , house full of living beings being my escape, everyone finds out theirs..

Maybe that wake up call was harsh, but it’s a reality.. there probably exists nobody that can love you unconditionally and that’s unrealistic to expect too.. but I definitely can enjoy and share the love with people as long as it can last.. 

Friday, 26 January 2024

All the men I have met in my life!!

It’s been over 4 years since I’ve been on my own; since the separation!!

It’s been over 2 years I’ve been on the “dating apps” and now finally have given up!!

But I did meet a lot of variety of men out there!!

The man who said “you’re too good for me, I’m too broken to be with you”

The man who “wanna talk dirty??”

The man who “your place or mine??”

The man who wants to “get you drunk enough to take you home”

The man who said “you’re amazing but I am too busy to be there with you”

The man “I love you” but falters when their ex gets married..

The man “I’m XYZ but no, can’t share my phone number nor any real identity of mine”

The man “I’m married but my wife doesn’t need to know about this”

The man “I’m interested” but the wife calls up to say she’s sorry that her husband is a liar!!

The men who have ghosted me and maybe I ended up ghosting some too!!

And mainly, The man “I am separated” to “I love you and can’t wait to spend the next fifty years with you” to “I’m sorry but I have to go back to my wife and  can’t be with you”

And now 
The man “I wanna marry you immediately” but then I’m sorry because I’m too messed up for right now to be with anyone!!

How the tables have turned!! And yet, a desperate part of me still hopes to find my “crazy stupid love” and yet instead of finding “the one”, I find so many “ones”.. 

Sunday, 7 January 2024

The love I don’t deserve

He tells me everyday that he loves me, he shows me every moment he cares!! He can’t sleep until I’m besides him and he finishes narrating his entire day to me..

He hugs me when I’m sad, reassures me a when I’m overthinking..

He calms me saying “it’s ok; I know you’re doing your best”

He reminds me “don’t cry, it’s going to be ok”

He pushes me to try new things, especially when I’m too apprehensive.. he reminds me to be curious!!

He covers me in a blanket as we enjoy movie night and tells me “I hope you’re comfortable!”

He tells me that he wants to provide for me when he’s grown and take care of me!!

He’s kind and sensitive and so much more mature than what an eight year old should be!!

Don’t know if I should be guilty for a kid that’s so mature or be proud!!

All I know is that of the two boys I know will not leave me, he still tops that list!!

Broken Family

People always refer to kids of single parents as kids from “broken homes”.. Every-time I hear the term, it brings a pang of pain since that’...